Teller Report

An oath written on the earth-celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

6/21/2021, 5:59:08 PM

 Oath written on the earth   ——Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (Part 1)   1921, 2021. The river is surging for a hundred years.   One hundred years ago, a red boat broke the waves of the era. A new political party of more than 50 people, with bare hands, holding a fiery heart, was determined to save the impoverished and weak homeland.   In the

 Oath written on the earth

  ——Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (Part 1)

  1921, 2021.

The river is surging for a hundred years.

  One hundred years ago, a red boat broke the waves of the era. A new political party of more than 50 people, with bare hands, holding a fiery heart, was determined to save the impoverished and weak homeland.

  In the misty rain, the vows with a low voice and clear words, like thunder in the dark night, sounded strangely on the red boat...

  In 100 years, the mountains and rivers have been resurrected and long. Thousands of times of tackling difficult problems, each journey is full of blood, tears and shouts, setbacks and rises, and each day is longer than a hundred years.

  In 100 years, it was amazingly magnificent and short-lived. Through the lens of world history, the ancient oriental powers roared like a lion, "lightning" from the bottom of the valley to the top.

  In 100 years, the oath was written in heavy historical annals, written on the great rivers, the Great Wall, and the Silk Road.

In this land, 5,000 years of civilization are layered on top of each other, 5,000 years of creation are high mountains, and countless battles are raging.

  In 1939, Mao Zedong described it affectionately in "The Chinese Revolution and the Communist Party of China": "On this vast territory, there are vast fertile fields, which provide us with a source of food and clothing; We have grown vast forests and stored a wealth of minerals; there are many rivers and lakes, which give us the benefit of boating and irrigation; and the long coastline gives us the convenience of transportation to various ethnic groups overseas. From very early ancient times Since then, the ancestors of our Chinese nation worked, lived, and reproduced on this vast land."

  The Communist Party of China, which has taken the oath to "seek happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation", on the ruins and scorched earth that have been washed away with shame, one shot, one pick and one plough, fierce battle, and the sweat of conviction to water the earth's desire. , Ushered in a harvest that attracted worldwide attention.

Today, the weather of thousands of cities and villages and the lives of thousands of families have touched the unchanging original aspirations of this great party from the leap of "stand up, get rich, and become stronger."

  In 100 years, the oath was written in the hearts of the Chinese people.

This is the vicissitudes of life in the history of the Chinese mind. Happiness replaces sadness, smile replaces numbness, head-up vision replaces inferiority, and everyone has "poetry and distance" in their hearts.

  From starvation and decay, "cannot survive on knees," to achieving a well-off life and moving towards revival, 100 years are enough to reveal the inevitable history.

  As President Xi pointed out: "From Shikumen in Shanghai to Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, a small red boat carries the trust of the people and the hope of the nation. It crosses rapids and shoals, and through the stormy waves, and becomes a giant ship that leads China's steady and long journey. ."


  In the Jianghan land, a river of spring water flows eastward, but stormy waves arrive unexpectedly.

  In the early spring of 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic raided this blue planet, and China was the first to fight.

  The epidemic broke out in Wuhan, Hubei Province, which is "the thoroughfare of the nine provinces," and spread during the Spring Festival holiday, which was full of people.

  As the Chinese Communist Party is about to usher in the 100th anniversary of its founding, the unexpected crisis seems to require a special test of this century-old party and this huge ship of China.

Global Focus on the East: Can China withstand it?

  Rivers overflow the mainstay, and the main peak is majestic and majestic.

The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core takes over the overall situation, makes decisive decisions, and responds to extraordinary things with extraordinary actions.

At the critical moment of the fight against the epidemic, President Xi went to Wuhan for inspection and guidance and gave important instructions.

  The advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics and the advantages of the great rivers north and south, the whole country is united, seem to be overwhelming once the floodgates are opened.

  See its speed.

On New Year’s Eve, including the People’s Liberation Army medical team, the white-clothed angels gave up their lives to forget their deaths and set off retrograde; more than 10 days, the Vulcan Mountain Hospital, Leishenshan Hospital, and Fangcai Hospital were delivered quickly...

  Look at its temperature.

"Concentrate patients, concentrate experts, concentrate resources, concentrate treatment", "don't give up every patient", "all expenses will be borne by the state", "isolate the virus, don't isolate love"...

  See its accuracy.

"Don't miss an infected person", network integration of nucleic acid testing and vaccination, "one code access" has become the new normal of Chinese life...

  "Upwind and current" requires sailing and oars, and it tests the strength of the helmsman.

In about three months, China achieved decisive results in the defense of Wuhan and Hubei.

After that, "China became the only major economy in the world that achieved positive economic growth"; the "13th Five-Year Plan" came to a successful conclusion, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" was comprehensively drawn; the construction of a new development pattern was accelerated, and high-quality development was implemented in depth.

While doing a good job in the prevention and control of the epidemic, China has also extended a helping hand to many countries, regions and international organizations.

  China handed over a question paper that is satisfactory to the people and that the world has attracted attention.

  How to deal with this unprecedented pandemic is not a multiple-choice question, but a must-answer question, which not only "checks" a country's comprehensive national strength, but also tests the ability of a ruling party to fight.

  In the same examination room in the world, the answers vary from country to country.

Some countries have responded scientifically, and the epidemic has gradually slowed down; in some countries, “flipping the pot” is more important than life; in some countries, the epidemic has repeatedly broken out, and the death toll has increased sharply...

  "Only the method of comparison can reduce the racial, political, and national prejudice among historians." "The method of comparison makes history appear in its true colors. The mountain that was originally thought to be a hill is nothing but a hill."

The Belgian historian Henri Piran once proposed.

  Speaking of the reshaping of the world by the epidemic, French President Macron admitted at the Davos Forum: "The modern capitalist model linked to an open market economy can no longer function in this environment."

  Why does the Chinese Communist Party "can"?

Why does Marxism "do"?

Why is socialism with Chinese characteristics "good"?

The comparison of segments of videos and images has allowed hundreds of millions of Chinese people to naturally flow out answers with a greater sense of texture and weight.

  During the May Day holiday this year, I went to the red scenic spot to "check in", "to see China along the highway", and go to Wuhan to tour the Yellow Crane Tower. There were endless traffic and 115 million people traveled in China.

People look into the distance, empathizing, and cherishing everything in front of them.

Some netizens said that they are fortunate to live in today's China. It turns out that the traffic is the prosperity and the crowd is the country and the people.

  In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight shines on the earth, the Chinese begin their usual day again.

In this peaceful "oasis", every day is meaningful.

The "stable happiness" in people's hearts is longer than the celebration of fireworks and salutes.

For the Communist Party of China, this is the most precious tribute to its centennial birthday.


  In the eastern land, the rivers are magnificent and magnificent.

  The river is rolling eastward, starting from the rush of the source; the huge wheel chopped through the waves, starting from the full sail.

"All history is the history of thought."

  Looking back a hundred years, those who try to understand "Why the Chinese Communist Party can" will always look at the silky waters on the south of the Yangtze River through the quiet years.

  The South Lake of Jiaxing is flat like a mirror, reflecting the sky of history, engraved with the "birth situation" of a political party, which shows the "future destiny" of a big country.

  ——Here is the afterglow of the celestial dynasty.

  "Look at the spring scene in the sunny days before, and enjoy the smoke after the rain."

From the 1850s to the 1980s, Emperor Qianlong went to the south of the Yangtze River six times and visited the Yanyu Tower of Nanhu eight times, composing nearly 20 poems.

  The emperor and successor of the Qing dynasty, who was full of economics and "perfect martial arts", blindfolded his eyes with the illusion of perfection in the heavens, ignoring that the new world has been surging. ; "To measure the material resources of China, to tie the heart of the country", in exchange for the pack of wolves to enter the house, cede the land for compensation, and go full of fighting.

  ——A dazzling light flashed here.

  "No longer be the meat of the powers invading."

In 1912, Sun Yat-sen, who resigned as the provisional president and gave way to Yuan Shikai, passed through Jiaxing, got off the bus to give a speech and toured the Yanyu Tower, and took a group photo with everyone in front of the Lion Peak.

  "Republic and self-republic, why is happiness in our people"?

After the Revolution of 1911, China fell into a melee between warlords. Sun Yat-sen lamented deeply that "politics and society are more dark and corrupt than the Qing Dynasty", and he regretted his death.

  ——A wave of awakening has been set off here.

  "Please put an end to internal disputes, except for power abuse, release students, and unanimously outside."

On May 9, 1919, Jiaxing multi-schools held a student meeting and called the Beijing government to request the release of students arrested in the May Fourth Movement.

  In the summer of this year, in order to vent their public anger against the governor of Jiaxing for suppressing the patriotic student movement, the people of Jiaxing erected a monument of "Ten Thousand Years Remains" in Yanyu Tower of Nanhu Lake.

  ——Here has witnessed the opening of the world.

  It was the "sky-shaking waves" that swept across China one after another, which awakened the sleeping oriental power.

China’s advanced elements realized that “we must rely on the people of the lower classes and follow the road of the Russians”.

  "Communism-Long live the liberator of mankind!" On this day in the summer of 1921, a meeting to rewrite Chinese history quietly closed on a boat in Nanhu, and a new political party was born.

  The history of Nanhu is the abbreviation of the logic of Chinese history.

  Since modern times, the ups and downs of trial and error history have shown the power of truth.

"The Great King Banner is changing at the top of the city", but "no one takes the common people in their hearts."

After "all roads are inaccessible", some people desperately wailed that "China does not perish, it is unreasonable."

To penetrate the darkness in the darkness and welcome the light to the light. Fortunately for the Chinese nation, Marxism is introduced into this confused land.

  "The little red boat carries the great power, sowed the fire of the Chinese revolution, and opened the cross-century voyage of the Chinese Communist Party." On October 31, 2017, on the first week of the closing of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping led the Communist Party of China A member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, following in the footsteps of the revolutionary ancestors, took a train from Shanghai to Jiaxing to pay homage to the Red Boat in South Lake.

Xi Jinping pointed out that our party was born from here, from here to march, from here to ruling the country.

This is the root of our party.

  The earth is a child, a hundred years of youth.

"A political party, like a person, is the most precious thing is to go through the vicissitudes of life and still have a heart of innocence."


  "I did this for the benefit of mankind. Is it wrong? I would rather accept punishment than return the fire." In ancient Greek mythology, Prometheus, who stole fire for mankind, would rather endure being pecked by eagles every day. The endless pain of eating the liver did not want to pray for the so-called forgiveness of Zeus.

  The road of faith has never been a path of flowers, but thorns, and even a knife and a cauldron.

If you truly believe, you must experience true suffering and make true sacrifices.

  The Prometheus in the myth is the only one, while the "Prometheus" of the Chinese Communist Party is the hero.

They are willing to suffer for their faith and burn themselves with fire from "pirates" to illuminate the way for the nation.

  Facing the gallows, Li Dazhao was the first to walk up.

The enemy persuaded him twice to "repent", and he calmly replied: "You hang me, my soul will not die, and the revolution will not die!" "Try to do it expeditiously!"

  Qu Qiubai, singing his own translation of "Internationale" in Chinese, went to the execution ground.

Before his execution, the enemy once again persuaded him to surrender. He replied: "People love their own history, more than birds love their own wings. Please don't tear my history."

  Xiao Chunv also entered the execution ground singing "Internationale".

Faced with the revolutionary who vowed to "make yourself a candle", the enemy asked: "When your candle is about to go out, are you willing to repent?" He replied boldly: "You kill! Real Communists You are not afraid of death."

  Chen Yannian, Xia Minghan, Luo Yinong, Xiang Jingyu, Peng Pai, Yun Daiying, Deng Zhongxia... In the long roster of heroes, there was a way to survive behind many names, and you can escape from death when you change your mind.

However, all of them choose faith as the way back to life, and they all firmly believe in the meaning of their own sacrifice-"No matter whether we ourselves can reach the other side of victory, our red flag will definitely be there."

  The former fell under the enemy's butcher's knife, and the latter continued to hold the flag of faith.

Even at the low tide, there are still many "true comrades" like Marshal He Long, facing the bloody wind, sworn into the party and plunged into the torrent.

  The long journey is full of dangers.

Faith is the most prosperous fire in their chest, the brightest light in their eyes, and the hardest calcium in their bones. It is the eternal "blood" of the Chinese Communist Party.

  Recalling the centuries, how many warriors, blood-stained the earth, azaleas blooming, the famous name is hard to find; how many heroes come home after disarming, everywhere in the mountains and rivers, bowing their heads as oxen.

Ask about the last time Shenzhou Land broke through the pass to seize the pass, and the roots are in faith.

  From climbing the snow-capped mountains and crossing the grass, "cutting the heads of devils with a big knife", to "a million masters crossing the river", "fight with one punch, so as not to get a hundred punches"-the flag of faith, flying in the smoke of war; Hundreds of waste waiting to be rejuvenated, starting from scratch, devastated, changing the world-the flag of faith, flying in the years of passion; the earth is enlightened, the river is thawing, the mind and the productive forces are liberated together-the flag of faith is flying in the spring breeze of reform and opening up; The tiger swatter flies, shakes the earth, reorganizes and sets off again-the flag of faith is flying in the clear river of Haiyan in the new era.

  "In the breeze, if the flower is nodding up and down, it can be regarded as my sincere salute to the patriots who are fighting for the liberation of the Chinese nation; if the flower is swaying from side to side, then it can be seen. Sing the song of revolution for me and encourage the soldiers to move forward!"

  Nowadays, the lovely China that the revolutionary Fang Zhimin has longed for is full of gorgeous flowers dancing in the breeze. Do people passing by still remember this "beautiful promise" written in the prison cell?

  This land that is watered by faith and stained with blood will bloom with such regretless flowers.

The swaying of every flower is full of gratitude and can not be disappointed.


  This land, which is now full of flowers, was once impoverished and riddled with blemishes.

It was from the ruins that New China set off, and its "Entrepreneurship March" was thrilling.

Turning to modern history, in the land of China, only the Communist Party of China can reorganize mountains and rivers.

  The Chinese nation has imagined many beautiful dreams.

Sun Yat-sen's "Industrial Plan" depicts a grand blueprint for rejuvenation. War chaos, poverty, and corruption have caused most blueprints to vanish.

  Sichuan is a typical historical sample.

  Today's Sichuan is striving to form a new pattern of opening to the outside world, with more than 13,000 international trains operating under the “Belt and Road” initiative.

Before the founding of New China, there was not even an inch of railway here.

  Road transport reflects the national transport.

In order to build the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway, the tax of the governor at that time was collected in advance from 1904 to 1991.

And until 1949, this railway "is still a dashed line sighing on the planning map."

  After the founding of New China, the Party Central Committee and Chairman Mao decided to build it immediately.

The project started on June 5, 1950, and the Korean War broke out on the 25th.

Ten days later, most of the road construction troops were ordered to march.

  Then, 100,000 people came to the construction site like a supporter, unswervingly continuing to repair.

  On July 1, 1952, in just two years, the first railway built after the founding of the People's Republic of China-Chengyu Railway was completed and opened to traffic.

"Four Sings of Chengyu Railway" sings like this: "Always follow the Communist Party and be happy for thousands of years."

  "Xiongguan Mandao is really like iron."

In those days, the Red Army moved to Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan, and the difficulties and dangers of transportation were shocking.

Today, if there is no modern transportation, "Colorful Yunnan", "Colorful Guizhou" and "Land of Abundance" will all be eclipsed.

  Mountains are continuous, rivers crisscross, karst caves are clustered, and rocks are hard. Many areas in the southwest are called "forbidden areas for road construction."

Before the construction of the Chengdu-Kunming Railway, a foreign expert said after an on-site survey: "China is crazy to build a railway here!"

  The Chinese Communists “dare to paint a long rainbow in natural danger”.

At that time, most of the eyes were drilled with steel drills, sledgehammers, and pistols, and the tiger's mouth was shaken to crack and bleed; when tunnels were drilled, torches and lanterns were used to illuminate, and banana leaves were used to drive smoke.

  The Zhaopingshan No. 1 Tunnel by the Dadu River was cold and humid. Some officers and soldiers drank salt water and had diarrhea, so they played air drills naked, and water pipes kept washing down the filth...

  This scene was met by the famous mathematician Hua Luogeng who went deep into the construction site, and his eyes burst into tears: I can calculate the mathematics problems, but I cannot calculate the loyalty of the railway soldiers to the party and the people!

  The Chengdu-Kunming Railway, which runs through Wanfeng, is called by the United Nations as one of the three masterpieces of mankind's conquest of nature in the 20th century.

Xichang Satellite City is looking for dreams for nine days, Jinsha River Hydropower Station sends power from west to east... A bird's eye view of the southwest, connected by miracles, and mountains and rivers have changed dramatically.

  In the new era, there are still thousands of strugglers, like the "iron man" Wang Jinxi who jumped into the mud pool and stirred, surging with fiery passion and creating new miracles.

  The first domestically-made aircraft carrier was launched, the Dongfeng-17 ballistic missile was successfully developed, the detection range of China's Sky Eye was "close to the edge of the universe", the Chinese manned submersible "Struggle" challenged the deepest part of the world's oceans, and quantum communications were at the forefront of the world...

  How can the Communist Party of China overcome obstacles, cut mountains and rivers, and traverse the world?

This question mark makes many people think.

At the beginning, it was so difficult, often eating coarse-grain wild vegetables, and even gnawing bark to work hard, there is every reason to go slowly.

However, China has been poor for too long and wants to change too much. It must "just seize the day", "work hard" and "leave something good for future generations."

Simple words convey a sense of urgency for national rejuvenation.

  On this land, how many "first in history", "most in the world" and "miracle on earth" have been created by the Chinese Communist Party and the people of the whole country?

It's as brilliant as the stars, hard to count.

Looking up to these "first", "most" and "miracle", "every stone has blood and sweat, and there is a conscience."

There are martyrs' cemeteries and monuments along many railways and highways.

The sound of the siren, the fallen silhouettes, turned into immortal monuments on the earth.


  "The 21st century began in China in 1978." In this year, the snow and ice melted on the land of China, revealing an unprecedented road of exploration.

  The British "Guardian" columnist commented that this year has created a completely different history, and one of the themes of this century will be the rise of a great power-China.

  The spring of 1978 came earlier than ever.

In February, the first batch of 273,000 college students admitted after the resumption of the college entrance examination, "with joy" walked into the university campus from the fields, factories and pastoral areas.

  "Discussion on the standard of truth", prying open the frozen ground of thought, the magnificent journey is ready to go.

  On December 22, 1978, the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party closed.

That day was the winter solstice, but it was called the "Beginning of Spring" of China's reform and opening up.

  This is the path of reform for a country with a population of more than one billion. There is no frame of reference, and the difficulty is beyond imagination.

In history, whether in China or other countries, most reforms have ended in failure.

  The opening of new roads must be supported by great courage.

  Can we implement a big contract?

Can foreign capital be introduced?

Can self-employed employees exceed 8 people?

Do you want to "move" the "Fool Guzi" Nian Guangjiu... Today has become a consensus answer, at that time, it was a thunder pool that dared not to surpass.

Every new thing affects a major reform.

By "crossing the river by feeling the stones", barriers were broken, and new seedlings grew into towering trees.

  Regarding the unnecessary argument, Deng Xiaoping, the chief designer of reform and opening up, said, "I want to buy two tons of cotton and plug my ears."

  China remains unmoved by the "Washington Consensus" that the West has clamored for a while.

In some countries, copying the "homework" of the West has resulted in "a mess" and high cost.

  Those who have the happiness of the people and national rejuvenation in their hearts will always be young.

The 88-year-old Deng Xiaoping made an important speech on his southern tour, blowing away the fog of people's minds and driving reform and opening up into the fast lane.

  In this way, the Chinese Communists have realized the true localization of Marxism with a deeper understanding of Marxism and the most in-depth grasp of China’s national conditions. The complex equations of reform and opening up have found a successful model for the poor and backward Eastern countries to realize modernization, and explored a brand new path for "socialism with Chinese characteristics."

  "Every day, it spins like a flywheel." China has become the world's second largest economy.

A Nobel Prize-winning economist said that what happened in China was "unexpected." Other economists believed that the Chinese created "the best economic system in human history."

  After 35 years, the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Central Committee of the Party echoed with the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee, sounding the charge of comprehensively deepening reform, and China ushered in a new era of reform and opening up.

  "Easy and happy reforms have been completed", "The rest is hard bones."

For more than seven years, under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, the goal is to improve and develop the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and to promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance capabilities. China’s reform coordinates have been based on economic system reform. The main goal is to comprehensively extend the reform of the economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological civilization system and the party building system—a reform blueprint that points to the rule of the big country. It is gradually unfolding and the waves are surging.

  Every item is real swords and guns, and every field is like forcing the Dadu River.

The reform of party and state institutions involved more than 1.8 million people, and 25 ministerial-level institutions were reorganized and reorganized at the level of the central and state agencies alone.

Deepen the reform of national defense and the armed forces, and use extraordinary courage and strength to promote the remodeling, reconstruction and reconstruction of systems, systems, and policies, so as to break the bottleneck and create a new situation for the construction of a world-class military.

  When tens of millions of veterans have their own "maidens", the glorious brand lights up the lintels of millions of families, and "soldiers have priority in accordance with the law" have become the "standard equipment" of the city, and the respected sunshine floods the hearts of the people's soldiers.

There are 2485 reform plans, including four pillars and eight pillars, as well as food, clothing, housing and transportation.

The sick, the elderly, the weak, the weak, the green mountains, the blue sky and the white clouds, and the fragrance of birds and flowers, and the sense of gain of hundreds of millions of Chinese people are the greatest "gold content" of the "most ambitious reform plan."

  In Shenzhen on the "South Sea", two high mountain banyan pavilions are full of vitality, facing each other under the sky of reform.

One was hand-planted by Deng Xiaoping in the Fairy Lake Botanical Garden in 1992, and the other was hand-planted by President Xi in 2012 in Lianhuashan Park.

Under the banyan tree, visitors stopped to look up, their faces all over with respect.

  The predecessors planted trees, and the descendants planted trees. In the circle after circle, the relay of "carrying the reform to the end" runs.

That green shade protects the speed and passion of China's "breaking" and "trying".

  No matter how far into the future, the story of the high mountain banyan will be passed down from generation to generation in this hot land of reform.


  The earth is like a bridge, and the village is like a chess.

Throughout the ages, getting rid of poverty has been a long dream hidden deep in the mountains, plains, and cave dwellings.

  "What is poverty alleviation, what is well-off? If I say that in this new era, there is no worry about food, no worry about clothes, no worry about children going to school, no worry about hospitalization, and old people still have wages. This is a well-off."

  This is the well-off answer of 75-year-old Gu Baoqing's grandmother.

In Luotuowan Village, Fuping County, Hebei Province, she moved from a stone house that was "unrenovated when married" into a two-story building, and her granddaughter became the first undergraduate in the village.

  Gu Baoqing is one of the needy people in the old district who traveled more than 700 kilometers back and forth more than a month after the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the goal of building a well-off society in all respects.

  Days have gone from being a low income "always unreliable" to today's "being settled". The well-off life of Grandma Gu's family is fixed as a "family portrait" where everyone smiles like a flower.

  Turning the panoramic lens, if all the "Gu Baoqing" who bid farewell to poverty on the land of China, "not one less" take a photo together, it will be the warmest "family portrait".

  This piece of high sky and thick soil has witnessed a swallowing mountains and rivers, pulling the lives of nearly 100 million people above the poverty line; it has witnessed a moving decisive battle, and more than one billion Chinese people have moved side by side to a well-off society.

The hardened roads leading to the villages, rows of new houses, greenhouses, bright classrooms, these great changes of thousands of mountains and rivers, the happiness of the sea of ​​people, are destined to glorify the history of human progress.

  In the early spring of this year, China officially announced that the 98.99 million rural poor under the current standards will be lifted out of poverty.

International public opinion praised "this is the biggest leap in the history of poverty eradication", while worrying that "the number of extremely poor people in the world will increase by more than 150 million by 2022."

There are more poor people in the world, and the gap between the rich and the poor has deepened, but why all the poor in China "buck the trend" and get out of poverty and enter a well-off society?

  The cave dwellings in the deepest part of the poverty knew that when Xi Jinping, the "good offspring of Liangjiahe," exchanged his corn dumplings for the "bran nests" of his fellow villagers, he hoped that the villagers would be able to "eat corn flour throughout the year."

This wish of "it was almost harder than climbing to the sky" has made him "spent the most energy" in poverty alleviation for more than 40 years. "The folks will not be relieved if they don't get rid of poverty every day."

  Traveling through deep valleys, far-reaching waters, rugged sacs... For more than 8 years, President Xi has personally directed, deployed, and supervised the war, went deep into poor families to visit the poor, and traveled all over 14 concentrated contiguous areas with extreme poverty.

  Feel the warmth of the quilt on the bed, taste the sweetness of the water in the jar, see if the food in the pot is good, ask how much income is, whether the child has gone to school, walk all the way to see, all the way to understand poverty alleviation Need for poverty alleviation.

The mobilization order for poverty alleviation was issued on the Kangtou at the eastern foot of the Taihang Mountains; the new idea of ​​targeted poverty alleviation was born in the farmyard in the hinterland of Wuling Mountain; "Five-level secretaries in the same frame" demonstrate the extraordinary courage and determination of the Communist Party of China.

  Relocation, east-west collaboration, concentrated efforts to tackle tough problems, and precise assistance of "Foot Embroidery Kung Fu", make everything possible and moisturize things silently, falling steadily on a vegetable, a meal, and a leaf.

  The days of tens of millions of poor households know that the various causes of poverty have been compiled into China's most complicated and warmest poverty alleviation archives.

One file per household, one policy per household, records the Li family’s chickens, Zhang family’s vegetables, and Zhao’s injuries and disability.

Trivial things are difficult to do well, and everything is even more difficult to do well.

Over the years, every poor village has had a few more leaders. They are the party’s first secretaries and village cadres.

  Helping fellow villagers grow, breed, live and bring goods, and also worry about developing party members in the village and diverting water to build roads.

They said anxiously: I really want to plant themselves on the ground and grow countless hands to help the villagers get rid of poverty one day earlier.

In order to sweeten the lives of thousands of families, Huang Wenxiu and more than 1,800 party members and leaders slept in the field of hope.

As an elegy wrote: "Mountains are difficult to cross, waters are difficult to cross, blood is free and the road to poverty alleviation"

  When one flower is in full bloom, there will be thousands of flowers in full bloom.

"The party and the government help us in this way, and we can no longer'lean against the roots of the wall to bask in the sun and wait for others to give us a well-off'!

  Some people say, "For thousands of years, the Chinese empire has always been a huge empty stomach." Food and clothing has been a problem for all dynasties in China, and it is also a problem for the world. Many countries have struggled to find a way to "say goodbye to poverty."

  With the opening of the new China, the surging tide of reform and opening up, and the fight against poverty in the new era, the Chinese Communists have overcome the difficulties of the ages and the world, and have overcome the "poverty trap" described by Western scholars.

  Chinese farmers know that only the Communist Party of China knows the "Chinese ravines" and "the folks in the ravines" best, and knows the joys and worries, expectations and hopes of the Chinese land best; only the Communist Party of China can gather and move hills and fills. The majestic power of the sea "crushes one by one the difficulties greater than the sky", and leads all the folks in China to join hands in a comprehensive well-off.


  Close to this ancient, vast, boiling and fiery land, standing at the historical node of 100 years, let us listen to the rush of earth fire and the surging rivers, and think more deeply.

  Looking back on one hundred years, understanding one hundred years, and exploring one hundred years, what is the "source code" and "root directory" behind the hundred years of glory of the Chinese Communist Party?

  Why can we defeat one powerful enemy after another?

Why can it "create a miracle that has never been seen in the history of human economics"?

Why can it withstand the huge waves one after another?

Why is the general public's satisfaction so high?

  After 100 years, how did you get to the "most reason to be confident" today?

  From the perspective of Chinese history, Mr. Lu Xun once rubbed the miserable yesterday of the Chinese with tragic words:

  "Since history, Chinese people have always been slaughtered, slaved, looted, tortured, oppressed by the same race and different races... Every inspection, it really teaches people that they don't feel like living in the world."

  From a global perspective, Western political parties are all about calculating votes, while the Chinese Communist Party "uses the party as a tool for the people to realize their fundamental interests."

  Borrowing Western logic, it is difficult to deduce "China's today" from "China's yesterday."

Therefore, it is inevitable to "sing badly" all the way.

  In China, the internal logic of each layer makes everything seem "unexpected" and reasonable; it is both logical and difficult to stop.

  This is a brand new political party.

In that July 100 years ago, for the first time, the Great Land of China had a party that was determined to "be a long-term worker for the common people".

"Since then, the sickle and hammer no longer lay on the ground and sigh", but became "written on the flag, and the original and permanent hieroglyph-the people".

Once "a plate of loose sand" awakens and condenses, it will be invincible.

After the people who were squeezed and enslaved became the masters of the country, the engine of China's transformation from evolution to tremendous change was ignited.

  This is a brand new business.

The original ideal hides the hottest core-"for the liberation of all mankind".

It is the deepest emotion of belief, the deepest emotion of belief; it is the most extensive responsibility for human beings, "everyone is liberated"; it is the most complete separation of self, "there is no interest in the entire proletariat Different interests".

"None of the motives are materialistic, but it doesn't mean it doesn't have economic significance."

  After a hundred years, sincere sincerity as ever-in the ubiquitous value of the "people", the Chinese Communist Party has not only found the "backer", but also the key to solving many development problems.

  This is a "fission" that makes many people puzzled.

When Marxism takes root deeply in the land of China, when the Communist Party of China and the Chinese people stand closely together, and when the Chinese people follow the banner of seeking liberation and happiness for themselves, it creates infinite space. , Inspire infinite creativity and produce "unparalleled big changes since the history of the world and China."

  This is a "relationship" that makes many people puzzled.

The Communist Party of China and the people are the roots and blossoms of "seeds and land", the mission of "public servants and masters", the "teaching and mutual learning" of "students and teachers", and the interdependence of "children and parents". The prudence of "water" is the same as the beginning. It is the persistence of "fish and water" and the perseverance of "respondents and authors".

Sharing fate, why fear the wind and rain?












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