Teller Report

'Ndrangheta, boss Rocco Morabito arrested in Uruguay. On the list of the most dangerous fugitives

5/25/2021, 4:44:51 PM

Morabito managed the cocaine trafficking from South America to Milan and was arrested in a hotel in Montevideo. "After six months of intense information and intelligence activities, it was ascertained" that Morabito had obtained "Uruguayan documents by presenting Brazilian documents under the name of 'Francisco Capeletto'", specified the interior ministry.

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04 September 2017Included for some time in the list of fugitives of maximum danger, together with Matteo Messina Denaro, among others, the 51 / year old 'boss' of the' Ndrangheta Rocco Morabito was taken in Montevideo, the capital of Uruguay, the country where he had lived for years.

Coca from South America to Milan

Through an Interpol 'red' arrest order, Morabito is accused of having been part of a drug trafficking group between 1988 and 1994, in which he organized the transport of drugs to Italy and distribution in Milan. The Ministry of the Interior of the Uruguayan country also cites the cases of trafficking "in 1993 of 32 kg of cocaine in Italy, an operation that failed due to the capture of a trafficker in France, and of 592 kg in 1992 from Brazil to Italy, confiscated drug in the latter country ". Finally, he remembers an operation the following year with 630 kg of cocaine.

Arrested in a hotel in Montevideo

"After six months of intense information and intelligence activities, it was ascertained" that Morabito had obtained "Uruguayan documents by presenting Brazilian documents with the name of 'Francisco Capeletto'", the interior ministry specified, underlining that the arrest it happened "in a hotel in the center of Montevideo".

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