Teller Report

'Fast and Furious' Let's Fall in Investment... Only ten casualties

5/24/2021, 8:47:59 PM

<Oh! Click> The second search term is'driving retaliation for investment failures'. On the 22nd, it is a road in Dalian, China. Several pedestrians cross the crosswalk, and a black vehicle runs straight.


Click> The second search term is'driving retaliation for investment failures'.

On the 22nd, it is a road in Dalian, China.

Several pedestrians cross the crosswalk, and a black vehicle runs straight.

Pedestrians, who were defenseless, were struck by cars without any escape, and the road became a mess.

Eventually, 5 passers-by were killed and 5 were injured.

After the accident, the driver left the vehicle after running another block and ran away, but was arrested the same day.

Dalian City concluded with a retaliation case, do not ask about the cause of this accident.

"The driver was pessimistic about life because of the investment failure, and he committed a crime with the desire to retaliate against society."

The police did not disclose which investment the driver failed, but there are speculation that the driver may have invested in a cryptocurrency whose price has recently plummeted.

Netizens said, “No matter how hard you are, you take the life of others…

It's a tragedy.” and “It seems that it is necessary to prepare for the adverse effects of investment in Korea.”

(Screen source: Weibo)