Teller Report

Parasports Tomomi Ishiura is appointed as the representative of the Tokyo tournament Japan Para

5/23/2021, 6:52:49 AM

[NHK] At the Japan Paralympic Games, which will be the representative selection for the Tokyo Paralympics, Tomomi Ishiura, who is the most visually impaired class, is a 50-meter girl.

Tomomi Ishiura, the most visually impaired class at the Japan Paralympic Games, which will be the representative selection for the Tokyo Paralympics, set a time of 31.20 seconds in the women's 50-meter freestyle qualifying, breaking the dispatch standard record for the first time. I have been appointed as the representative of the Paralympics.

Ishiura is 33 years old from Joetsu City, Niigata Prefecture.

This is the most visually impaired class.

Congenital glaucoma has caused a gradual loss of vision, and now both eyes feel a slight light.

At the recommendation of a doctor, I started swimming at the age of 2 and started playing in earnest at the age of 10.

At the Rio de Janeiro Paralympics selection, I missed the representative because I did not meet the dispatch criteria.

Stamina did not continue until the latter half of the race due to the influence of eye drops that lower intraocular pressure, but two years ago, I undertook surgery to lower intraocular pressure with the aim of participating in the Tokyo Paralympics, overcoming stamina issues.

With improved start and powerful kicks, he extended his time and finished fifth in the 2019 World Championship in the 50m freestyle of the main event.

This is my first time to participate in the Paralympics.