Teller Report

"Wandashan No. 1" was released to natural science researchers and will continue to monitor it

5/21/2021, 2:18:18 PM

"Wandashan No. 1" was released to nature   Follow-up researchers will continue to monitor their health status and activity patterns in the wild in real time After 25 days of observation and rescue, the wild Siberian tiger that broke into the village of Heilongjiang was finally released into the forest.   On May 18, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration officially announced that this i

"Wandashan No. 1" was released to nature

  Follow-up researchers will continue to monitor their health status and activity patterns in the wild in real time

After 25 days of observation and rescue, the wild Siberian tiger that broke into the village of Heilongjiang was finally released into the forest.

  On May 18, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration officially announced that this is the first time that my country has successfully rescued a wild Siberian tiger. Through expert evaluation and demonstration, this wild Siberian tiger has normal physiological indicators, no abnormal behaviors and disease risks, and is suitable for release. natural.

  my country successfully rescued wild Siberian tigers in the wild for the first time

  On April 23, a wild Siberian tiger broke into a village in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province and was rescued afterwards.

On April 26, the Heilongjiang Forestry and Grassland Bureau reported that the tiger’s name was identified as "Wandashan No. 1", because the "Wandashan No. 1" had stayed in the residential area for a long time on the day of the incident, and the weather was dark. It was too late, the visible distance was short, the control was difficult, and the conditions for driving back to the field were not available. The relevant departments decided to divide them into two groups to give them anesthesia rescue.

  At 22:00 on the same day, it was confirmed that the anesthesia was successful, and the "Wandashan No. 1" was placed in a transportation cage and transported to the town government's security garage.

After preliminary inspection, it was confirmed that there was no obvious trauma and the nutritional status was good.

At 23:00, the expert group extracted relevant samples and resuscitated them with drugs.

  At 11 o'clock on the 24th, with the approval of the State Forestry and Grass Administration, the "Wandashan No. 1" was transported to the Hengdaohezi Cat Breeding Center for further observation.

With the concerted efforts of many parties, the tiger has been initially successfully rescued.

According to relevant experts from Heilongjiang Forestry and Grassland Bureau, this is the first time that my country has successfully rescued a wild Siberian tiger in the wild.

  The release of "Wandashan No. 1" will continue to be monitored

  On May 18, the State Forestry and Grassland Administration officially announced that my country will release the wild Siberian tiger that was successfully rescued for the first time to nature in the construction area of ​​Heilongjiang Muling Forestry Bureau Co., Ltd.

After more than 20 days of close observation, rescue and isolation, and expert evaluation and demonstration, this wild Siberian tiger has normal physiological indicators, has no abnormal behaviors and disease risks, and is suitable for natural release.

According to the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, after testing, the tiger was a male sub-adult, weighing 450 jin, and about 2-3 years old. The original female tiger mainly lived in the border area between China and Russia.

It is speculated that shortly after he left the female tiger, he failed to find a suitable female tiger and territory in time, and wandered blindly along the long and narrow forest belt along the Sino-Russian border to the spot of discovery.

  According to the State Forestry and Grassland Administration, because the tiger’s discovery area has only a long and narrow forest area with many farmland and villages, it is not suitable for direct release. Comprehensive expert field investigation and evaluation results, taking into account factors such as forest range, village distribution, and prey density, at the same time In order to prevent conflicts between individual wild Siberian tigers, it was determined to be released to nature in the operation area of ​​Muling Forestry Bureau.

  In the next step, scientific researchers will conduct continuous real-time monitoring and research on their health status, activity patterns, genetic information, and survivability in the wild.

In order to ensure the safety of people and tigers after the Siberian tiger is released to nature, the National Forestry and Grass Administration has successively sent personnel to strengthen the guidance of the reintroduction to nature in Heilongjiang Province, and required a comprehensive patrol of the reintroduction area to eliminate individual wild tigers. Threats to security.

Strengthen the publicity of local villagers’ safety and emergency knowledge, and prepare for follow-up monitoring, early warning and emergency response.

Once signs of a tiger approaching the residential area of ​​the village are found, safety precautions shall be taken in time.

  The woman who was injured by the Siberian tiger has been discharged from hospital for 10 days

  "Wandashan No. 1" attacked and caused minor injuries before being captured. The injured person was promptly admitted to the hospital for examination and treatment under the proper placement of the local government.

A reporter from the Beijing Youth Daily learned from the nurse's office of the Mishan People's Hospital that the villager Li Chunxiang who was overthrown by the Siberian tiger had been discharged from the hospital at 10 am on May 8 and his condition was stable.

  At the time of the incident, Li Chunxiang, a villager in Linhu Village, Baiyuwan Town, was working in the field.

When the tiger appeared, the villagers called her vigorously, but Li Chunxiang didn't hear it.

In the blink of an eye, the tiger had already jumped on it.

At the same time, Song Xiguo, a villager in Honey Mountain Village, Baiyuwan Town, drove a white off-road vehicle and rushed up.

  Song Xiguo said in an interview with the media that he kept yelling while driving the window of the car, and the tiger passed directly in front of the car. Because the car was a two-wheel drive rather than a four-wheel drive, it ran very slowly. When the tiger was in front of him, the female villager had been thrown over. "She got up again after she fell, and I said sister will get in the car soon."

  Later, Li Chunxiang was sent to the People's Hospital of Mishan City for treatment. Because of the timely rescue, her life was not in danger.

After diagnosis, part of her right shoulder muscle was injured and there were five wounds of varying sizes.

During the hospitalization, both the township and the village visited her.

  Now, she has been discharged from the hospital for 10 days, and the driver Song Xiguo who rescued her has also been honored as a hero. It is understood that Song Xiguo's vehicle has been sent to a 4S shop for free maintenance.

"On May 11, we sent a pennant to Brother Lan Hu (Song Xiguo) and arranged a scooter so that he could have a car available during maintenance." Manager Ge of the 4S shop introduced.

Text/Reporter Song Xia Coordinating/Zhang Bin

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