Teller Report

The Federation Council promised to retaliate against the expulsion of a Russian diplomat from North Macedonia

5/20/2021, 10:13:34 PM

Sergei Tsekov, a member of the Federation Council Committee on Foreign Affairs, in an interview with RT, commented on the decision of North Macedonia to expel one Russian diplomat from the country.

“We got infected with anti-Russian and anti-diplomatic infection.

They do not value relations with Russia.

Obviously, they want to please the European Union.

To be honest, such decisions do not paint the leadership of North Macedonia.

And we, of course, will answer, ”the senator said.

In his opinion, such actions of the EU countries "destroy the structure of international relations."

“The expulsion of diplomats out of some kind of solidarity is a strange phenomenon in diplomacy as such,” added Tsekov.

Earlier it became known that the authorities of North Macedonia announced the expulsion of one Russian diplomat from the country.

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