Teller Report

The war on Gaza ... a hidden struggle between Netanyahu, who wants calm, and the army that is escalating

5/19/2021, 6:39:19 PM

Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi thwarted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt to frame victory scenes after the end of the first week of the aggression on Gaza, as the latter wanted to announce a ceasefire yesterday evening.

Israeli Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi thwarted Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's attempt to frame victory scenes after the end of the first week of the aggression on Gaza, as Netanyahu was expected to announce on Sunday evening his readiness to accept the UN initiative for appeasement and a ceasefire.

Although the Israeli army did not announce the bank of the targets for its campaign on Gaza - which it called the "guardian of the walls" - the army implemented - according to Kochavi - a new phase in the war on Gaza, saying, "We intend to continue the military action with force, according to the necessity and the steps taken." We planned for it. "

Kochavi's position came during a press conference held yesterday evening at the Defense Ministry headquarters in Tel Aviv with the participation of Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Prime Minister Netanyahu, who did not express enthusiasm for the continuation of the military campaign, saying, "It takes some time, but not long," and hinted that it is nearing the end. After achieving its undisclosed goals.

These hints by Netanyahu come in contrast to leaks that reached the Israeli media regarding the contents and themes of the Cabinet session for political and security affairs, "the cabinet", where a political source told reporters that "the cabinet did not discuss a ceasefire, and there is no proposal on the agenda for a long-term armistice." The developments of the war in Gaza and the political impasse in Israel were covered.

The hazy position expressed by Netanyahu increases the complexity of the Israeli political scene, as it reflects the state of confusion and the scenes of disagreements between Netanyahu and the military establishment, which confirmed that it did not complete the operations that were launched with the beginning of the campaign, as it gave a quick response to Netanyahu’s uncertainty when it launched a series of raids that lasted until midnight. At dawn on Monday, the army said it had launched the third phase of destroying what it called the "Hamas metro tunnels" project.

Until the alleged declared goal is completed, the transitional Israeli government will continue to witness a state of confusion regarding the timing of the end of the military campaign, in light of the expansion of the resistance's missiles beyond Tel Aviv, while the military level that is likely to continue the aggression on Gaza carries greater risks. Despite this, he insists that the operations he launched will continue until they are completed. "Hamas did not read us correctly and did not appreciate the intensity of our response," he insisted.

The Israeli raids on Gaza targeted the infrastructure and residential areas and left hundreds of dead and wounded (Reuters)

Raids and negotiations

While the warplanes continued their raids on the Gaza Strip, Netanyahu has been making contact with Naftali Bennett, head of the "Right" party, to obtain his support in the future in case the leader of the "There is a future" party, Yair Lapid, fails to form an alternative government, but Bennett - who He was one of the initiators of the formation of the "Change Bloc" - insisting on his position and pushing for the formation of a "national unity" government.

After the aggression on Gaza and the inflammatory protests in the Arab towns inside, Bennett dropped the curtain on the idea of ​​a "change bloc" and the establishment of a right-wing government headed by him, alternating with Lapid, which has the support of the forces of the Zionist left and the united Arab list headed by Mansour Abbas.

Before the start of the military campaign on Gaza, it was officially announced that basic understandings had been reached to form an alternative government headed by Bennett and Lapid. This government was supposed to present this week to vote and win the confidence of the Knesset, but the war on Gaza prevented the formation of an alternative government for a government. Netanyahu.

Netanyahu inspects the Special Operations room of the Shin Bet that directed the targeting of Hamas leaders (Al Jazeera Net)

Narrow government

Parallel to this, Netanyahu discussed on the fifth day of the aggression on Gaza - during a meeting with the Likud commissioners' staff held at the headquarters of the Security Ministry in Tel Aviv - the progress of contacts between Likud and the Right to form a narrow right-wing government in the event that Lapid's mandate expires and he fails to form a government.

Political and electoral

In a reading of the political-electoral scene in Israel, political analyst Akiva Eldar explained that Netanyahu - who seeks to employ the aggression on Gaza for his personal goals and thwart the task of forming an alternative government - continued during the course of the military operations negotiations to form a government with Bennett, as it seemed clear that he was heading to accept a ceasefire. After he achieved his goals by thwarting the task of forming an alternative government.

Eldar believes in his speech to Al-Jazeera Net that Netanyahu, who is known to fear a long-term war and refrain from all-out military confrontations, sees the aggression on Gaza as a temporary lifeline for him to rearrange his papers and transfer his trial on corruption charges, and even drag Israel to the fifth elections to enhance his chances of consolidating his camp, and forming a government A fascist oath to ensure that he remains in power and avoids imprisonment.

The political analyst said, "After a week of fighting, none of us had any idea about the objectives of the operation in Gaza, what was the preferred exit point, how many Hamas militants were killed in the tunnels, and to what extent it was true that we had dealt a devastating blow to Hamas, but it was clear." The military level has refused to be hostage to Netanyahu's whims, decisions, and desires, and what serves his interests. "

In light of this hidden conflict between the military establishment represented by Kochavi and the political level represented by Netanyahu, Eldar believes that "from Netanyahu's viewpoint, the fire must cease, because he believes that the campaign objectives will be achieved by the collapse of tall buildings in Gaza, and a painful blow to Hamas and the destruction of its military arsenal and missile capability." The real goal of Netanyahu behind his military campaign on Gaza is to strike a blow to the change government before its formation, and this is what has been achieved, according to the political analyst.

Threat and victory

And unlike previous rounds of combat, this time and in this operation Hamas deliberately issued an ultimatum regarding Jerusalem and chose to wage war, thus putting the military and political leadership in Israel to the test when it left from the start the campaign's end date open this time, and this move in itself is a strategic achievement. According to Reserve General Gershon HaCohen, a researcher at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan University.

The strategic researcher believes that despite the lack of disclosure and the announcement of the bank of targets before leaving for the military campaign, the Israeli army has an effective plan to continue the attacks, and it must be made clear that it intends to continue the operations it launched and not to retreat.

The reserve general assured Al-Jazeera Net that the state of Israel should not end up in a way that might appear consistent with Hamas’s demands regarding Jerusalem, "any Israeli response, such as surrendering to the Sheikh Jarrah case, constitutes a victory for Hamas."

"The deep relationship that has developed between the state of rebellion of Arabs in Israel and the fighting in the Gaza Strip should not be ignored. The state of Israel is in a state of flare-up similar to what happened with the outbreak of the 1948 (independence) war, because this time the rioters are officially citizens of the State of Israel," Hacohen said. It is difficult to understand the existential threat to the foundations of the sovereignty of the Jewish state. "