Teller Report

The scene of resistance in Jerusalem .. Does it raise the fears of the Zionist writers for the future of Israel?

5/19/2021, 3:15:40 PM

A simplified superficial reading of reality indicates that Israel has reached the height of its power and gained control of the region, and the ruling Arab regimes see establishing relations with them as what guarantees their stability.

A simplistic superficial reading of reality indicates that Israel has reached the height of its power and gained control of the region, and the ruling Arab regimes see establishing relations with them as what guarantees their stability.

Shbeit says that the only force capable of saving Israel from itself are the Israelis themselves, by inventing a new political language that recognizes reality, that the Palestinians are rooted in this land, and that the Israelis realize since they came to Palestine that they are just a lie invented by the Zionist movement.

America has moved its embassy to Jerusalem, recognizing that it is its capital, and settlements have proliferated in the Palestinian territories, and the Israeli army is continuously oppressing the Palestinians without Arab rulers daring to denounce, condemn, or even express concern.

But there is another, more in-depth reading, where history shows us that the arrogance of strength, a sense of superiority, arrogance, superiority and height can be the beginning of collapse, fall and weakness.

Therefore, writers of Zionists began to realize the seriousness of the state of arrogance and arrogance experienced by the Zionist entity, and the negative consequences that the oppression of the Palestinian people, who have historical rights in the land of Palestine, could lead to the future of occupation.

End of chances for peace

An analysis of the articles of a number of Zionist writers indicates that there is a state of fear that has begun to seep into their souls that the chances for peace have ended, and that normalization with the Arab regimes was a result of the excessive use of force, and that those regimes seek to satisfy America, while the Arab peoples reject this surrender, submission and submission.

One of the most important of these articles was what Ari Shabit wrote in the Haaretz newspaper, and the most important ideas that revolved around it were that Israel breathed its breath, and he justified his claim that it is no longer possible to end the occupation, stop settlements, and achieve peace.

The true owners of the land can defend it, and their strength lies in their faith, steadfastness and persistence .. They resist and challenge brute force, and they are always ready to sacrifice themselves in defense of Jerusalem, which they believe is their right, their land, their capital, and their lives.

Shbeit added that Israel has reached a point of no return, and it is no longer possible to save democracy or reform Zionism, and that the solution for the Israelis is to leave the country and move to San Francisco or Berlin.

He also says that the only force capable of saving Israel from itself are the Israelis themselves, by inventing a new political language that recognizes reality, that the Palestinians are rooted in this land, and that the Israelis have realized since they came to Palestine that they are just a lie invented by the Zionist movement.

The Almoravids explain the truth

But what is the relationship between the publication of this article and the recent events and the heroism it has shown in defending Jerusalem, the victory over the settlers and their expulsion from the Al-Aqsa Mosque yard, the removal of the checkpoints from the Damascus Gate, and the steadfastness in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood?

The true owners of the land can defend it, and their strength lies in their faith, steadfastness and persistence .. They resist and challenge brute force, and they are always ready to sacrifice themselves in defense of Jerusalem, which they believe is their right, their land, their capital, and their lives .. while the settlers are fleeing before them because they are keen on their lives, and it is not possible. To sacrifice it for a plot of land that the Zionist movement tried to convince them falsely that it is their capital.

The stationers in Jerusalem deal with it as more precious to them than their lives, their families, and their children, and that their job in life is to bond in it and defend it and die for it .. And the certainty fills their hearts that they will triumph and liberate Jerusalem and all of Palestine no matter how superior Israel is by its brute material power.

So did the author of the article realize at a moment in which his intelligence was evident that Israel cannot achieve a decisive victory over the owners of the land who are defending it with their lives, and that the Israelis must leave if they want salvation and life?

Certainly, it is not possible to explain the publication of Haaretz's article by Shbeit without an in-depth reading of the reality and the scene of the Palestinians who defended Jerusalem during the month of Ramadan, and presented all nations as a model of resistance, challenge, persistence and heroism, and this scene inspires all peoples that can imitate them in their struggle for liberation and achieving independence.

This scene not only poses a threat to Israel, but also poses a threat to the despotic regimes that have fallen under the feet of Israel, and thought that their consent is what protects the thrones of rulers and brings stability to tyrants.

Sincere advice

Shbit gave sincere advice to his people, which is to give up the occupation, evacuate settlements, and settle for West Jerusalem only .. That is the new political language, and for the Israelis to elect a new middle government that ends the occupation and evacuates settlements.

It is clear that this writer expresses a trend that has come to believe that continuing the occupation and settlement will lead to a disaster.

This is not the first time that Shbeit has written warning of the danger of continuing the occupation, but in his last article this warning was clearer.

He has previously published articles explaining the dangers of settlement activity. He has published a book entitled “My Promised Land: Israel is Victory and Tragedy” and presents himself as being loyal to Israel. Therefore, he calls for reforming Zionism and saving democracy, and he supports the two-state solution, and he justifies that by the fact that the number of Arabs is increasing The degree to which the majority of the country's population may be non-Jews

Settlement criminals

There is another writer, Rogel Alpher, who described settlers as criminals and fascists and only care about their interests, so they support (former US President Donald) Trump, and he also described calls for aggression against Gaza as coming from stupid Israelis, so the experience of 3 wars proved that the Israeli army did not win.

In an article published in Haaretz newspaper, on October 19, 2015, Avler said: Israel digs its grave with its own hands if it continues its wars of aggression and does not recognize the right of the Palestinians to a state.

This writer attacked the Israeli lobby in the United States, describing it as a "mafia".

In an article published in Haaretz newspaper, he described Israel as the kingdom of ISIS in Israel, or the kingdom of the Torah, and that the atmosphere of the last days of the coming of Christ prevails in Israel these days, as the right is possessed by theological fever, and the public has reached the end of history, or the end of politics after the conflict between right and left has ended. It was decided by a knockout from the right, and the rule of law was defeated and replaced by the authority of the Jewish majority.

Alfer adds: The leftists have become absent from the media map and public discourse .. As for Netanyahu, he will drop out of the arena, but his approach has won overwhelmingly.

The Zionist entity has gone madly towards the religious Zionist right that calls for annexing the West Bank as it is part of the biblical Land of Israel .. Therefore, we have to carry out a process of "correcting eyesight" for those Arabs who under the illusion that they can deal or coexist with this entity as a viable part of the region. While this entity is not ready to coexist with its secular citizens from the remnants of the left whom it accuses of betrayal, and departing from the ranks of the right-wing Zionist national consensus.

Trump's biblical vision

Perhaps the most important thing that Israel has obtained during the past years is America’s recognition of Jerusalem as its capital and the transfer of its embassy there .. But the Zionist writer Zvi Bariel believes that Trump is based on a biblical vision that will have a negative impact on the theory of international relations and international law .. The deal of the century is a continuation of the occupation with conditions As new as the one that bleaches the theft of Palestinian lands that was carried out during the 53 years of occupation.

Bariel added that Trump left the Middle East more devastated, as he believed that it was possible to strike deals with dictators, and saw in his dreams a comprehensive peace between Israel and the Arabs in this bloody region, so he approved the legitimacy of the continuation of the occupation, and ended the political horizon for Israelis and Palestinians.

One of the results of Trump's deal was that Benjamin Netanyahu could boast of new peace alliances ... But there is no regional peace with Israel ... and these alliances do not remove from Israel the strategic threats before it ... and the popular Arab hostility against Israel will remain.

This is a sample of articles in which Israeli writers warn of the dangers facing Israel, and they constitute a more in-depth reading of a reality that is changing faster than dreamers expect.

The most important thing that this in-depth reading reveals is that peace with Israel cannot be achieved .. The Almoravids in Jerusalem realized this, so they relied on their faith and steadfastness in continuous resistance to the occupation, and they realized that their blood could protect their sanctity, which is more precious than life.

Soon all Arab peoples can realize this fact, and discover that it is resistance that can build the future.

The Zionists may realize that the advice of these writers was dear and sincere, but they did not listen to them in time.

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