Teller Report

Spain: at least 2,700 migrants enter Ceuta from Morocco in a single day

5/19/2021, 5:35:44 PM

At least 2,700 migrants, including a thousand minors, managed to reach the Spanish enclave of Ceuta from neighboring Morocco on Monday, arriving by sea or by land, the people said.

The Spanish authorities referred to a "record" day after the arrival by sea or by land of at least 2,700 migrants, including a thousand minors, in the Spanish enclave of Ceuta from neighboring Morocco.

Since the early hours of the day, arrivals have multiplied in the Spanish territory of the north-west of the Maghreb, migrants leaving Moroccan beaches located a few kilometers south of Ceuta, said a spokesperson for the prefecture of Ceuta. , who confirmed that this was a completely new figure.

None of these migrants have been hospitalized and "they are doing well," the source added.

Asked about the accommodation of these people, the spokesperson said that they were to be accommodated in sheds on the beach of El Tarajal, but that the authorities were meeting to assess the situation in view of their unprecedented number. .

Shortly after 8 p.m., arrivals seemed to have stopped, the spokesperson said, while the flow had not stopped throughout the day.

Tense relations between Morocco and Spain

Migrants arrived by sea, swimming, sometimes using inflatable buoys, others inflatable boats, and still others marched where the sea "had retreated", while others crossed the land border.

Between the start of the year and May 15, 475 migrants arrived by land or sea in Ceuta, more than double compared to the same period last year, according to figures from the Ministry of the Interior published a few days ago.

But in recent weeks, diplomatic relations between Morocco, a key ally of Madrid in the fight against illegal immigration, and Spain, have been strained.

Since the reception in Spain of the leader of the Saharawi separatists of the Polisario Front, Brahim Ghali, to be treated there, Morocco has signified its "exasperation".

The conflict in Western Sahara, a former Spanish colony classified as a "non-autonomous territory" by the United Nations in the absence of a definitive settlement, has for more than 45 years opposed Morocco to the Polisario Front, supported by Algeria.

With AFP

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