Teller Report

Sichuan Daocheng high-altitude cosmic ray observatory will be completed in 2021

5/19/2021, 7:14:54 AM

On Haizi Mountain at an altitude of 4410 meters in Daocheng County, Sichuan, a high-altitude cosmic ray observatory covering an area of ​​1.36 square kilometers will be completed in 2021, realizing a full array of scientific observations. The picture shows a close-up of the wide-angle Cherenkov telescope array. Photo by Zeng Mao Release time: 2021-05-17 16:33:38 【Editor: Li Peiyun】

On Haizi Mountain at an altitude of 4410 meters in Daocheng County, Sichuan, a high-altitude cosmic ray observatory covering an area of ​​1.36 square kilometers will be completed in 2021, realizing a full array of scientific observations.

The picture shows a close-up of the wide-angle Cherenkov telescope array.

Photo by Zeng Mao

Release time: 2021-05-17 16:33:38 【Editor: Li Peiyun】