Teller Report

Senegalese beaten up: Germans sentenced in Mallorca

5/19/2021, 5:56:26 AM

Two young Germans beat a bouncer from Senegal on Mallorca in 2019. For racist motives, said the prosecutor, and asked for 13 years in prison. But it turned out differently.

On Monday, a court in Mallorca sentenced two Germans to two years' probation and payment of pain and suffering totaling 150,000 euros for a brutal attack on a bouncer from Senegal.

The prosecution and defense agreed on this before the start of the trial, said the judge at the brief hearing in the island's capital, Palma.

The public prosecutor's office moved away from their demand that the Germans be sentenced to 13 years imprisonment each for the racially motivated attack. In return, the convicts accepted the payment of higher compensation for pain and suffering. The prosecution had asked for around 115,000 euros. The probation period was set for five years. For this period, the two young men from the Leipzig area were also banned from islands.

The holidaymakers from Germany had beaten the bouncer in the Megapark am Ballermann on Mallorca in June 2019 and insulted them racially.

You had traveled to the island with a group of hooligans.

During a concert, a friend climbed onto the stage and was asked by the doorman to leave.

The two convicts then attacked the Senegalese, beat and kicked the man lying on the ground and cursed him.

The victim sustained serious injuries to the spine.

Since then, he has not been able to go about his work because of a left-sided paralysis.

The judge ordered the convicts not to approach or contact the man for ten years.

When they were arrested in 2019, the police found right-wing extremist symbols on the Germans' cell phones.

The people of Leipzig were held in custody for a year and three days, after which they were allowed to return to Germany.

At the court hearing on Monday, they were switched on via video conference from Germany.

A translator asked if they agreed to the deal and read out the terms.

The Germans confirmed both.