Teller Report

Report Africa - Benin: diving into urban parkour

5/19/2021, 11:34:43 PM

Parkour is enjoying increasing success around the world, but remains confidential in Africa. In Benin, enthusiasts train young people in this sport which works the mind as much as the physical ...

Benin: diving into urban parkour

Audio 02:25

In Cotonou, parkour training session, this art of moving from point A to point B by overcoming all obstacles, generally in an urban environment.

Invented in France at the end of the 1980s and popularized by the film “Yamakasi”.

© RFI / Delphine Bousquet

By: Delphine Bousquet

3 min

Parkour is enjoying increasing success around the world, but remains confidential in Africa.

In Benin, enthusiasts train young people in this sport which works the mind as much as the physical.  

  • Benign

  • Sports