Teller Report

Macron says he is in favor of canceling Sudan's debt to France

5/19/2021, 6:00:32 PM

During the international conference in support of the Sudanese transition organized this Monday, May 17 in Paris, Emmanuel Macron said he was in favor of the cancellation of Sudan's debt to France af…

Macron says he is in favor of canceling Sudan's debt to France

French President Emmanuel Macron surrounded by the president of the Sudanese sovereign council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan (L) and Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok (R), in Paris, May 17, 2021. AFP - SARAH MEYSSONNIER

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6 mins

During the international conference in support of the Sudanese transition organized this Monday, May 17 in Paris, Emmanuel Macron said he was in favor of the cancellation of Sudan's debt to France in order to help the African country continue its transition democratic and to emerge from the economic crisis.


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 Today's conference is a success,

 " said Emmanuel Macron after a press conference held jointly with the President of the Sovereignty Council of the Republic of Sudan and his Prime Minister.

In order to engage Khartoum in the support program for heavily indebted poor countries of the IMF and the World Bank, there were two preconditions: the clearance of debts with the major institutions, which is now done thanks in particular to

a relay loan of 1.5 billion dollars granted by France

and thanks to the efforts made by several partners such as the United States and Great Britain.

Another condition: the implementation of economic reforms in Sudan.

Among the measures already undertaken by the transitional authorities, the merger of exchange rates or the creation of a family support fund.

Energetic political action

 ," said Macron.

Your transition must allow the organization of free, transparent elections, leading to the establishment of a fully legitimate civilian government.

In order to reach this horizon, it is important that the peace agreements be implemented as quickly as possible by all the parties.

French President Emmanuel Macron

Olivier Rogez

The French president wishes to go further and said he was in favor of the “

pure and simple 


of Sudan's debt to France, amounting to some 5 billion dollars (4.1 billion euros). .


 The Sudanese people will not forget

 " this gesture by France, which " 

will pave the way for all the other creditors of Sudan

 ", thanked Sudanese President Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

The Sudanese authorities, for their part, insisted on their economic ambitions: more transparency, the fight against corruption, more social justice ... The Sudanese authorities wish to create opportunities for youth and the reconstruction of the State.

And for this, Khartoum hopes to soon welcome many private investors and international companies.

Our journey involves many challenges and risks, but we are determined and committed to pause for this reason, pause from our past, and work to achieve lasting peace and democracy.

Sudanese Prime Minister Abdallah Hamdok

Charlotte cosset


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