Teller Report

Here are the words that take place in - and disappear from - the Swedish dictionary

5/19/2021, 12:31:44 PM

Flock immunity, plastic slimming and adda are some of the new words that are introduced when "Swedish dictionary" comes in a new edition.

- It is clear that the new dictionary has an imprint of the corona pandemic, for example the word flock immunity which has been used for quite some time in the technical language is now a generally known word, says Anders Svensson, editor-in-chief of Språktidningen.

Language is a fresh product, when new phenomena enter society we name them in new words.

In the same way, it is objects or phenomena that become outdated due to various reasons, for example that they feel unequal or discriminated against, he continues. 

Behind the update of the new edition of "Swedish Dictionary" are seven researchers at the University of Gothenburg.

The latest version came twelve years ago.

Emma Sköldberg, professor of Swedish at the University of Gothenburg and editor-in-chief of the dictionary, describes it as the dictionary is in a turning point.

In the past, dictionaries were printed masterpieces, but nowadays many want access to glossaries digitally and for free.

In addition, researchers have much larger amounts of text to consider, such as blogs and social media.

- We find it difficult to account for all spoken language, but if you want to reflect modern Swedish, you still have to consider newer types of text, says Emma Sköldberg to TT.

But some words also disappear from the Swedish dictionary.

In the video, Anders Svensson lists three of the words he will miss the most.