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Guest Africa - Paul Kagame: "France and Rwanda now have the opportunity to build a good relationship"

5/19/2021, 3:21:59 PM

After more than 25 years of tense exchanges, following the French intervention in Rwanda during the genocide of the Tutsis in this country. Relations between the two countries have warmed significantly in recent ...

Paul Kagame: "France and Rwanda now have the opportunity to build a good relationship"

Audio 17:29

Rwandan President Paul Kagame, during his interview with RFI and France 24, May 17, 2021. © RFI

By: Marc Perelman |

Alexandra Brangeon Follow

21 mins

After more than 25 years of tense exchanges, following the French intervention in Rwanda during the genocide of the Tutsis in this country.

Relations between the two countries have warmed significantly in recent years, under the French presidency of Emmanuel Macron.

Visiting Paris this week for the Summit on the African Economy, Rwandan President Paul Kagame welcomed this normalization of relations between the 2 countries during an exclusive interview with RFI and France 24.


At the heart of this rapprochement between France and Rwanda, 

the Duclert report


compiled by historians and given to the French Head of State two months ago.

He concludes that Paris bears " 

heavy and overwhelming responsibilities

 " in the events which led to the genocide in Rwanda in 1994 and which left 800,000 dead according to the UN, without however being "an 


" in the genocide.

For President

Paul Kagame on a visit to Paris

, “ 

it is a big step forward that the facts, the truth have been established by two commissions, one French and one Rwandan, and that for the first time there is convergence. .



For France and Rwanda there is now a chance, a basis on which to build a good relationship,

 ” he said, “ 

as it should have been in the past


The rest

 " he adds, " 

we can leave it last… maybe not forget, but forgive and move on.


France is not an accomplice

The Duclert report

did not conclude on the complicity of France during the genocide.

Asked about this subject, President Kagame replied: "

There are still things to do to move forward, but the most important has been covered

 ", " 

that the heavy and overwhelming responsibility of France has been recognized ... It is enormous, that means a lot,

 ”says President Kagame.

I can live with the conclusions of this report, which has ruled out the 'complicity' of France


Before adding: "

It is not for me to tell them what they should have put in their conclusions

 ", " 

these are two independent commissions of inquiry (French and Rwandan)

 ", even if "

 I the right to have my own opinion, because I lived these events.


Apologies from France?

During President Emmanuel Macron's visit to Kigali on May 27, does Rwanda expect an apology from Paris for its role during the genocide?

The Rwandan president believes that “ 

it is a decision which depends on France and what it considers to be in its interests.

But I will never ask anyone to apologize,

 ”he adds.

Arrest of genocidaires

The Rwandan president welcomed

the arrest a year ago in Paris of Félicien Kaguba

, the "financier" of the genocide.


It's a good start, 

” he says.

More could have been done, he regrets " 

a certain number of suspected genocidaires live in France

 ", " 

their cases were not treated properly.


Would he like France to extradite Agatha Habyarimana, the wife of former Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana, who died in the attack on his plane in April 6, 1994?

And who has lived in France since 1994.


Yes, she is at the top of the list,

 ” replies the Rwandan president, “ 

but France will have to decide what to do,

 ” he adds.


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  • Rwanda

  • Paul Kagame