Teller Report

A devastating cyclone hits India, exhausted by "Corona"

5/19/2021, 9:22:48 PM

A strong typhoon accompanied by violent winds struck India yesterday, threatening to raise the level of sea waves, which disrupted efforts to confront the outbreak of the emerging Corona virus (Covid-19) that exhausted the Indian government. It is the largest hurricane to hit

"Tauktai" is heading to Gujarat

A devastating cyclone hits India, exhausted by "Corona"

One of the streets that flooded with rain in Mumbai.


A strong typhoon accompanied by violent winds hit India yesterday, threatening to raise the level of sea waves, which disrupted efforts to confront the outbreak of the new Corona virus (Covid-19) that exhausted the Indian government.

And at least six people died in torrential rains and storms, while "Taoktai", the largest cyclone to hit western India in 30 years, according to press reports, headed to Gujarat.

The Indian Meteorological Authority said that the severe cyclone was accompanied by winds ranging between 155-165 kilometers per hour, and the authority warned of the danger of sea waves rising up to three meters in some coastal areas of Gujarat.

And the weather phenomenon that can be seen from the air threatens to exacerbate the difficulties in India to limit the high number of infections with the Corona virus, which kills nearly four thousand people a day and pushes hospitals to the brink of collapse.

And in Gujarat, where the authorities evacuated more than 100,000 people from 17 regions, all Corona patients were transferred from hospitals within five kilometers from the coast, and the authorities are also making vigorous efforts to ensure that electricity is not cut off in the approximately 140 hospitals designated for epidemic patients, and 41 production facilities. Oxygen in 12 coastal regions, where the hurricane is expected to hit its heaviest.

And the state, which has officially recorded 9,000 deaths from the virus, and the number may be much higher, according to experts, suspending vaccination operations for two days.

Mumbai also suspended vaccination for one day.

Yesterday, the Indian Ministry of Health announced the registration of 281,000 new cases of Coronavirus within twenty-four hours, bringing the total number of HIV cases in India to 24,965,463 cases.

"The Times of India" newspaper quoted the ministry as saying that 4,106 new deaths were recorded with the virus, bringing the total number of deaths to 274,390 cases.

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