Teller Report

5 terrorists killed in Tunisia

5/19/2021, 9:19:42 PM

Yesterday, the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced the elimination of five terrorists in an operation carried out by security forces and the ground and air army in the Shaanbi Mountains in the Kasserine border province with Algeria.

5 terrorists killed in Tunisia

Yesterday, the Tunisian Ministry of the Interior announced the elimination of five terrorists in an operation carried out by security forces and the ground and air army in the Chaanbi Mountains in the Kasserine governorate, which borders Algeria.

The ministry said in a statement that "based on accurate technical data, security units and military land and air units were able to eliminate five terrorist elements."

The spokesman for the National Guard, Husam al-Din al-Jabbali, stated that the operation began at dawn yesterday, and confirmed that combing operations are continuing in the Shaanabi Mountains, which armed groups are taking as a refuge, and are carried out from time to time, targeting security and military personnel.

Since 2012, Tunisian forces have been engaged in campaigns to track down groups belonging to cells affiliated with the terrorist organization "Al Qaeda" and "ISIS".

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