Teller Report

Culture Minister Thümler holds out the prospect of cultural events

5/3/2021, 6:45:06 PM

display Oldenburg (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's Minister of Culture Björn Thümler has announced opening perspectives for culture. In counties and urban districts below the incidence value of 100, cultural events in the open air could be possible again, said the CDU politician of the “Nordwest-Zeitung” (Tuesday) in Oldenburg. The vote is currently still in progress. With the new regulation, which i


Oldenburg (dpa / lni) - Lower Saxony's Minister of Culture Björn Thümler has announced opening perspectives for culture.

In counties and urban districts below the incidence value of 100, cultural events in the open air could be possible again, said the CDU politician of the “Nordwest-Zeitung” (Tuesday) in Oldenburg.

The vote is currently still in progress.

With the new regulation, which is due to come into force on May 10th, things could start again culturally.

"This would require a hygiene concept that has to be coordinated with the health department," he explained.

Well-engineered hygiene concepts have been in place in the cultural scene since last year.

Visitors must wear a mouth and nose cover until they have taken their seat, have a current, negative corona test or can prove that they are vaccinated.

The minister also announced pilot projects for cinemas, theaters and other facilities, provided that the incidence is below 100 per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.

Festivals with more than 2000 visitors would be financially secured by the federal government.


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