Teller Report

Zverev against vaccination preference for Olympic participants

4/27/2021, 11:07:00 PM

display Munich (dpa) - Alexander Zverev has clearly spoken out against preferred vaccination treatment for German Olympic participants. The best German tennis professional said on Monday in Munich that the current prioritization should be retained. «We should go in the order of who needs it most. Right now, as a 24-year-old, I wouldn't say that I need it most. " The DOSB recently assumed that all


Munich (dpa) - Alexander Zverev has clearly spoken out against preferred vaccination treatment for German Olympic participants.

The best German tennis professional said on Monday in Munich that the current prioritization should be retained.

«We should go in the order of who needs it most.

Right now, as a 24-year-old, I wouldn't say that I need it most. "

The DOSB recently assumed that all German participants in the Summer Games could be vaccinated.

Zverev, who is preparing for his start at the ATP clay court tournament in Munich this week, initially wants vaccinations for other groups of people, including his parents or grandparents. Only the rank as a participant in Tokyo should not play a role, he said. “At the moment there are more important people who should be vaccinated than Olympic athletes. We are at the Olympics. But that doesn't mean that we are anything better. "

The Hamburger wants to compete in the summer games in singles as well as in mixed on the side of Angelique Kerber.

The Olympic tournament is very important to him in the season, albeit not as much as the four Grand Slams.

Japan is special because you play there “not just for yourself, but for an entire country,” he said.

His goal is precious metal in singles or mixed.

"At the Olympics, it doesn't matter in which discipline you win a medal."


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