Teller Report

Stricter corona rules apply in Hesse

4/24/2021, 9:54:38 PM

display Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - In Hesse, the federal government's new corona emergency brake has been effective for the first time since midnight. It provides uniform nationwide rules and applies automatically if the so-called seven-day incidence in a district or city exceeds certain values ​​on three consecutive days. The current figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are decisive for all


Wiesbaden (dpa / lhe) - In Hesse, the federal government's new corona emergency brake has been effective for the first time since midnight.

It provides uniform nationwide rules and applies automatically if the so-called seven-day incidence in a district or city exceeds certain values ​​on three consecutive days.

The current figures from the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) are decisive for all steps.

For this Saturday, the incidence values ​​on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are decisive.

If the value of 100 has been exceeded, for example, night exit restrictions apply.

Almost all Hessian districts had higher numbers this week.

Only on Thursday were the Bergstrasse district and Werra-Meißner just below the 100 mark.

The exit restrictions stipulate that no one is allowed to leave the house between midnight and 5 a.m., unless there are important reasons for this, such as caring for relatives, caring for animals, emergencies or work.

As a rule, people should no longer leave their own apartment after 10 p.m., but walking or jogging alone is allowed until midnight.


According to the new Infection Protection Act, no more than one household may meet with one other person, with the exception of children up to 14 years of age.

Shops are only allowed to open to customers who present a negative corona test and have booked an appointment.

Face-to-face teaching in schools should as a rule be stopped at an incidence of 165.

Exceptions are possible for final classes and special needs schools.

The brake at a value of 165 also applies to daycare centers.

The nationwide regulations will initially apply until June 30th.

© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210424-99-333706 / 2

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