Teller Report

Oxygen deadline reached - time is feared to have expired for the missing submarine in Indonesia

4/24/2021, 10:59:42 PM

According to estimates, the oxygen in the Indonesian submarine should have run out early on Saturday local time. The hope of finding the 53 passengers alive on board the submarine falls, but the search continues.

A total of five countries have sent help to contribute to the search for the submarine, which is suspected to have sunk to a depth of between 600 and 700 meters, but so far no trace has been found.

- No progress has been made yet.

But we are still combing the area, says navy spokesman Julius Widjojono.

The submarine KRI Nanggala disappeared on Wednesday in connection with a torpedo exercise north of Bali.

Shortly after a dive, it lost contact with the outside world.

An oil spill at the site where the vehicle disappeared has raised concerns about damage to the fuel tank and thus a tragedy with a fatal outcome.

- The oil spill is a bad sign.

If it comes from the submarine, it is probably the end, says the retired French Vice Admiral Jean-Louis Vichot.

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