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"We only benefited from this": the IOC allowed Russian athletes to use a fragment of Tchaikovsky's concert instead of the anthem

4/22/2021, 11:04:01 PM

The IOC approved a fragment from Pyotr Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 as a replacement for the Russian national anthem for Russian athletes. Now this composition will be played at the Olympic Games and World Championships. According to the famous actor and singer Mikhail Boyarsky, the country only benefited from this decision. State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova believes that the melody will definitely be associated with Russians.

"Music is IOC approved for ROC and can be used for all World Championships."

On Thursday, Russian athletes found out which composition will soon be played in honor of their victories at the Olympic Games and World Championships.

The ROC Information Service reported that the IOC approved the use of a fragment from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1 in this capacity.

The International Olympic Committee confirmed this information, stressing that the melody will now sound at all ceremonial procedures with the participation of domestic athletes.

“The music is approved by the IOC for the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) and can be used for all world championships.

On an alternative basis, international federations can use their own anthem, if necessary, "- quotes the press service of the R-Sport committee.

At the end of 2020, the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) banned domestic athletes from playing under the flag and anthem of the country for the next two years.

As a replacement for him, ROC in January proposed the famous song of the war years "Katyusha", but CAS two months later banned the use of this composition, since it is allegedly directly associated with Russia.

As for the fragment from Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto No. 1, it has already sounded in honor of the victories of the Russians at the World Speed ​​Skating and Short Track Speed ​​Skating Championships in February and March.

His fans could hear it during the world figure skating championship in April.

In other sports, such as the World Ski Championships in Germany, the organizers played the FIS anthem.

"This music is well known all over the world"

The IOC's decision in Russia was generally met with approval.

So, the Olympic champion in speed skating, and currently the State Duma deputy Svetlana Zhurova noted that the members of the International Olympic Committee would have signed for the absence of culture if this option were also banned.

“The first concert by Tchaikovsky is a world heritage, and does not belong only to Russia, although it is undoubtedly associated with Russians.

But I think that some spears will fly to our address and even to the IOC, since they have agreed on this.

They will again call it a farce, as was the case with our uniform.

The approval of Tchaikovsky's first concert is not so much a victory, but the best that could be squeezed out of the CAS decision, "R-Sport quotes Zhurova as saying.

In turn, the honorary president of the ROC, Alexander Zhukov, called the IOC's decision "good news."

According to him, Tchaikovsky's First Concert sounded good at the recent World Figure Skating Championships.

“The whole world knows this music very well, it will be clear in honor of which country it is being performed,” Zhukov said.

And the famous commentator Dmitry Guberniev suggested that the great composition would even make “our enemies angry”.

“Tchaikovsky is a world famous Russian composer, and this is a great solution.

I only greet him ... Association with our country when listening to this music will in any case arise, our symbols will also be present ... The main thing is that the Olympic Games take place and there is no talk, "the Championship journalist quotes.

Finally, the legendary figure skating coach Tatyana Tarasova recalled that she was the first to suggest using a fragment of Tchaikovsky's concert as a melody for Russian athletes.

In her opinion, this composition is known in the world even better than the national anthem.

However, not everyone was satisfied with the IOC verdict.

For example, the three-time Olympic figure skating champion Irina Rodnina emphasized that nothing can replace the national anthem for athletes.

“A hymn is a hymn!

The Olympic Committee is trying to tactfully get out of the situation in which WADA put them.

But it is not this that should be discussed, but the results and victories, "- quotes the words of Rodnina" Sport-Express ".

The famous figure skater's point of view was shared by her colleague in the State Duma, Igor Lebedev.

According to him, the need to listen to an extraneous composition after victories in international competitions humiliates Russians.

“When our athlete stands on the podium, his two rivals will listen to their anthem, and he will listen to a song from the ballet or Katyusha, or God forbid, tap dancing - all this humiliates.

First of all, it humiliates the dignity of the athlete and the country.

But we have no other choice, the court accepted it ... What was agreed, then agreed.

For us, the main thing is participation and a good result, and what kind of melody will play there, just do not care, even if you turn it on from your smartphone.

The main thing is to see our athletes on the podium, ”the deputy said.

"There is not a single person on Earth who has not heard this legendary music at least once in his life."

Opinions on the choice of Tchaikovsky's First Concerto were also divided among art people.

But the majority still supported him.

So, the famous pianist Denis Matsuev, like Tarasova, admitted that even before the discussion of Katyusha he had proposed this option  

“In some countries, such as Japan and China, it goes so far that the first part is cult.

I think there is not a single person on Earth who has never heard this legendary music at least once in his life, ”explained Matsuev.

However, the pianist believes that before the composition can be used at the awards ceremonies of international sporting events, it needs to be finalized to make it complete.

“I would have made a more correct note than the one that played at the World Figure Skating Championships.

I don’t know the exact timing, how long the anthem should sound, but that version didn’t look completely finished, I think it needs to be finalized.

Tchaikovsky's concert runs in full for 35 minutes, we understand that we are talking about the main theme, but there is some incompleteness, the piece is not taken quite professionally, "Matsuev added.

In turn, the actor and musician Mikhail Boyarsky called Tchaikovsky a brilliant composer and stressed that Russia only benefited from such a verdict of the IOC.

“Great ... Anyway, his music is much better than any other.

We have only benefited from this.


The music is brilliant, the answer is simple.

Compared to others, Tchaikovsky is divine music.

Everything else is so, earthly forgeries, "Boyarsky noted.

And according to the singer Lev Leshchenko, the composition of the legendary composer all over the world is known to more people than the anthem of the USSR.

“She is very majestic and patriotic.

I am not offended that the anthem will not be played.

He will no longer be, you have to come to terms with it.

But his replacement is absolutely worthy, ”Leshchenko said.

However, there were also those who did not approve of the choice of the International Olympic Committee.

In particular, according to the famous composer Yuri Loza, this fragment cannot be hummed with all the will.

“Complete nonsense!

You need to open your mouth at least for something ... They took Tchaikovsky well.

But we need to come up with some words for him.

Three or four poets need to be imprisoned so that they come up with a text.

It is not necessary to mention Russia.

Simply: "Glory to the country" - summed up Loza.