Teller Report

Sharjah Municipality provides 1146 free public parking subscriptions for the elderly

4/15/2021, 1:25:05 AM

Sharjah City Municipality announced the provision of 1,146 free annual subscriptions for the elderly so far as part of the initiative it launched to exempt them from public parking fees and make them available for them and to park in all city parking lots at all times.

Sharjah Municipality provides 1146 free public parking subscriptions for the elderly

Sharjah City Municipality announced the provision of 1,146 free annual subscriptions for the elderly so far as part of the initiative it launched to exempt them from public parking fees and make them available to them and to park in all city parking lots at all times.

The Director General of the Sharjah City Municipality, Thabet Al-Tarifi, confirmed that since the launch of this initiative, the municipality has issued 1,146 subscriptions, some of which have been accomplished through the website, and some of them have been accomplished in the Public Parking Department building in the presence of the elderly beneficiaries of the service, as this initiative embodies the municipality’s interest in this category in society. And providing them with means of comfort, considering public parking is one of the most important services it provides for the public to use when going to their various destinations in the city.

He added that the municipality began providing these subscriptions virtually through its website in line with its digital directions and providing its services to the public in an easy and simple way that saves them time and effort, and strengthens the municipality’s role in supporting the directions of the smile emirate in digital transformation, indicating that the initiative was launched since January 19 last. It was well received by the elderly who meet the conditions for benefiting from it.

In a related context, the director of the Public Parking Department, Ali Ahmed Abu Ghazin, confirmed that the requirements for benefiting from the service include that the applicant be a citizen of the emirate and of the age of 60 years or more, and prohibiting the use of parking spaces for persons with disabilities or parking spaces reserved for commercial establishments and others, unless he is a beneficiary. From the service it provides, and each family will be granted one subscription only for one elderly beneficiary if the conditions for granting the subscription are fulfilled, indicating that these subscriptions allow the elderly to take advantage of 50 thousand parking lots provided by the municipality in various areas of the city of Sharjah.

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