Teller Report

Büsum does not start the tourism model project until May

4/15/2021, 5:39:45 AM

display Büsum (dpa / lno) - Significantly increasing corona numbers are slowing down the start of the tourism model project in the resort of Büsum on the west coast. The start is now planned for May 10th, as the tourism marketing of the municipality in the district of Dithmarschen announced on Wednesday. Managing director Olaf Raffel cited the current development in the pandemic as the reason. Me


Büsum (dpa / lno) - Significantly increasing corona numbers are slowing down the start of the tourism model project in the resort of Büsum on the west coast.

The start is now planned for May 10th, as the tourism marketing of the municipality in the district of Dithmarschen announced on Wednesday.

Managing director Olaf Raffel cited the current development in the pandemic as the reason.

Meanwhile, the number of new infections per 100,000 inhabitants has risen within seven days in a short time in a circle to 68.3 and threatens to exceed 70, said Raffel of the German press agency.

"It would be fatal to open now and have to close the bulkheads again shortly."

According to Raffel, the date of May 10th was agreed with the Ministry of Economic Affairs and the district's health department.

It is subject to the further development of the infection process.

In general, four tourist model projects in the north are likely to start next Monday: Apart from Büsum, these are the district of North Friesland with Sylt, the Schleir region with Eckernförde and the inner Bay of Lübeck.

North Friesland will not start until May either.

Then tourism businesses should be able to open under certain conditions.

The prerequisites for the model projects are stable less than 100 new corona infections per 100,000 residents within seven days, scientific support and the approval of the respective health authorities.

Associated with this are strict hygiene regulations, corona tests at close range and the option of electronic tracking of contacts.

If the virus spreads too widely and the health system is overloaded, the respective health department can cancel a project at any time.


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Ministry of Tourism