Teller Report

Israel policy to promote vaccination for children under 15 years old

4/14/2021, 1:55:16 AM

[NHK] In Israel, where vaccination against the new coronavirus is progressing at a rapid pace worldwide, half of the population has already completed two vaccinations, and infected people ...

In Israel, where vaccination against the new coronavirus is progressing at a rapid pace worldwide, half of the population has already completed two vaccinations, the number of infected people and deaths is declining, and economic activity is resuming. I'm out.

The Israeli government has indicated that it will also promote vaccination for people under the age of 15, and the focus will be on whether many people can obtain so-called "herd immunity" to prevent a major epidemic by having immunity.

Focus on herd immunity

In Israel, vaccination with the new coronavirus began in December last year, and according to the Israeli government, 4.92 million people, 52% of the population, have been vaccinated twice, more than 80% of those aged 60 and over, and those in their 20s. More than 60% have completed inoculation.

As the vaccination progresses, the number of infected people is decreasing, and the number of newly infected people per day, which exceeded 10,000 in mid-January, is now around 200, and the number of seriously ill patients and deaths is also decreasing. It has become.

However, the Israeli Ministry of Health said on the 11th that vaccination has not yet reached the so-called "herd immunity", which prevents a large epidemic by immunizing many people.

He said that about 30% of the population is under 15 years old and is not subject to vaccination, and said, "In order to obtain herd immunity, it is necessary to inoculate a certain number of children." As soon as it was announced, it would be possible to inoculate people between the ages of 12 and 15.

Regarding vaccinations for people under the age of 15, Pfizer, a major American pharmaceutical company, and Biontech, a German company, have confirmed the safety and effectiveness of vaccinations for people aged 12 to 15, and have expanded the license to US regulators. I have announced that I have applied.

However, in Israel, some parents who have finished vaccination are cautious about vaccination of their children, so experts say that a transparent explanation by the government is essential to proceed with vaccination. I'm pointing out.

In February, Israel introduced a certificate "Green Pass" to show that the vaccination was completed, and on condition that the certificate was shown, it allowed people to eat and drink in the store and participate in events, and resumed economic activities. Is progressing, and the focus is on whether it is possible to obtain herd immunity by inoculating people under the age of 15 in the future.

Parents' reactions vary

The Israeli Ministry of Health has indicated that it will vaccinate 12 to 15 years old with the new coronavirus vaccine, but parents' reactions vary.

Perry Mendelboim, who lives in Jerusalem, has completed two vaccinations with his wife and 17-year-old daughter, and the family is attending events and enjoying rock concerts.

Mendelboim wants his 13-year-old son to be vaccinated once he is 15 or younger, saying, "If experts and doctors find it safe, I want to get vaccinated. Everyone lives normally. I think it can't be helped if necessary to return to. "

On the other hand, Ifat Cohen, who lives in the same Jerusalem, has completed two vaccinations with her husband, but she is cautious about vaccination for children aged 12 and 14.

Mr. Cohen said, "If other countries also inoculate children, they may be vaccinated, but when only Pfizer is safe, I would like to wait for the time being."

Ministry of Health "herd immunity has not yet reached"

Sharon Alroy Price, head of the public health sector at the Israeli Ministry of Health, responded to an interview with NHK on the 11th.

Among them, Mr. Alroy Price said that "herd immunity", which prevents a large epidemic by immunizing many people by vaccination, "people can go out without restrictions such as masks and vaccination certificates, and schools If everything resumed completely and everything was in the same situation as before, it would have been herd immunity, but that is not the case. " It was.

Alroy Price said that some of the population under the age of 15 would also need to be vaccinated to obtain herd immunity, and the ministry would consist of outside pediatricians and infectious disease specialists. He said that he had already set up a special team to give vaccinations and is discussing vaccination policies, etc., and announced that he would give vaccinations to people aged 12 to 15 as soon as the regulatory authorities gave permission.

He also explained that there are parents who are cautious about vaccination for people under the age of 15, saying, "We do not require vaccination, and the final choice is for parents. The Ministry of Health will continue to do so. I want to scientifically show the data that vaccines are safe and effective. "

Medical Insurance Organization "Transparent explanation is essential"

In an interview with NHK on the 11th, Lan Barriser, an executive of the medical insurance organization responsible for vaccination in Israel, pointed out that transparent explanation by the government is essential to promote vaccination for people under the age of 15. ..

Regarding the declining trend of infected people in Israel, Mr. Barriser said that the proportion of infected people decreased first at the age of 60 and over who were given priority inoculation, and the infection of the younger generation also a few weeks later. He said that vaccination had a major impact, as vaccination started and turned to a declining trend.

However, in Israel, many people have immunity to prevent a major epidemic, so-called "herd immunity" has not been acquired, and the current downward trend is due to infection prevention measures such as wearing masks in addition to vaccination. However, we analyze that the infection may spread again depending on the situation.

"The government needs to be extremely transparent. What we know and what we don't know," said Barriser, who believed that vaccination of people under the age of 15 was also necessary to obtain herd immunity. It should be logically explained and based on all scientific data and expert advice, parents should be able to make decisions about the pros and cons of vaccination. "