Teller Report

Craft criticizes mandatory test offer

4/14/2021, 3:25:28 AM

display Halle (dpa / sa) - The Chamber of Crafts in Halle is critical of the Federal Cabinet's decision to oblige companies to offer their employees corona tests in the future. "From the point of view of the skilled trades, this obligation is counterproductive in the current situation of many companies," said the chamber. With around 70,000 employees and trainees in the craft businesses in the H


Halle (dpa / sa) - The Chamber of Crafts in Halle is critical of the Federal Cabinet's decision to oblige companies to offer their employees corona tests in the future.

"From the point of view of the skilled trades, this obligation is counterproductive in the current situation of many companies," said the chamber.

With around 70,000 employees and trainees in the craft businesses in the Halle chamber district, that would be around 300,000 tests per month that the businesses would have to pay for.

"Taking on these costs is overwhelming for many small businesses that are already struggling with the consequences of Corona," said Dirk Neumann, General Manager of the Halle Chamber of Crafts.

Companies will have to offer their employees corona tests in the future.

That is what the federal cabinet decided.

"This rule applies to all employees who cannot work permanently in the home office," said Labor Minister Hubertus Heil.

That part of the economy that should remain open must now make a mandatory contribution to infection protection.

He thinks this is a requirement of responsibility, so Heil.

Government spokesman Steffen Seibert called on employees to use the test offers.


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