Teller Report

1Residential tax target 70,000 in 2016 → 290,000 last year

4/12/2021, 5:39:39 AM

The number of single houses paying comprehensive real estate tax has quadrupled in four years. According to the data from the National Tax Service's '2016-2020 housing tax decision and notification status' submitted by Rep. Kim Sang-hoon of the National Assembly's National Land Transport Commission, 291,000 people were'No. 1 homeowners' whose final tax was notified at the end of last November. As a result, it is more than four times the number of 69,000 people who decided the final tax in 2016.

The number of single houses paying comprehensive real estate tax has quadrupled in four years.

According to the data on the '2016-2020 housing tax decision and notification status' submitted by the National Tax Service by Rep. Sang-hoon Kim, a member of the National Assembly's National Land Transport Commission, on the 12th It is 11,000 people, more than four times the number of 69,000 people determined in 2016.

Although the number of people notified does not completely match the number of people determined, it is estimated that the number of houses subject to tax tax has increased by about four times.

The number of one homeowner who was determined to be subject to the tax tax increased sharply from 69,000 in 2016 to 127,000 in 2018, and two years later, the number of one homeowner who was notified of the tax tax doubled again.

As a result, the proportion of one homeowner among those subject to the final tax on housing increased from 25.1% in 2016 (based on decision) to 32.5% in 2018 (based on decision) and again to 43.6% last year (based on notice).

1 The amount of tax for homeowners increased from 33.9 billion won in 2016 to 3188 billion won, an increase of 9.4 times last year.

Rep. Kim Sang-hoon ordered, "The tax to curb speculative demand for multiple houses has been distorted into a punitive tax on single-homeowners due to the real estate situation of the Moon Jae-in government." .

(Photo = Yonhap News)

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