Teller Report

Yuri Gagarin: Russia publishes historical photos

4/11/2021, 6:08:32 AM

Russia loves and adores its spacemen: A new online archive now provides insights into the lives of Yuri Gagarin and other cosmonauts.


Moscow (dpa) - 60 years after the first human flight into space, Russia has published historical photos and documents on Yuri Gagarin and other cosmonauts on the Internet.

On this Monday, Gagarin's flight of April 12, 1961 is celebrated with exhibitions and events.

At the site of the cosmonaut's landing near the Russian city of Engels in the Saratov region on the Volga, a park named after Gagarin opened on Saturday for the explorers of the cosmos.

The Russian Ministry of Defense announced about the new online archive that these were unique testimonies - including personal information about the first cosmonauts.

Reviews about Gagarin say that he is a courageous and self-confident pilot with excellent results in all subjects - with the exception of higher mathematics.


There are publications on the portal, among others, on the Soviet space travelers German Titow and Alexej Leonow, who was the first to complete a “space walk”.

In addition to many photos - not least of the laughing Gagarin in his spacesuit - the operational orders of the communist government, which had always seen itself in competition with the USA, can also be seen.

Gagarin's 108-minute flight in space was considered the great victory of the Soviet Union in the battle of the systems in the Cold War.

The document about the naming of the planet in 1772 after Gagarin is also presented.

The Soviet astronomer Lyudmila Tschernych discovered the space body in 1977 and named it after the first human in space.

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