Teller Report

United Volleys with a new shareholder: Schöps remains

4/11/2021, 1:56:37 PM

display Frankfurt / M. (dpa / lhe) - The Bundesliga volleyball players of the United Volleys Frankfurt have a new partner in Alexander Korosek. The 34-year-old is the team owner and managing director of Frankfurt Galaxy, which will be competing in the newly founded European League of Football from this summer. «I see enormous synergy effects. The volleyball Bundesliga mainly takes place in winter


Frankfurt / M.

(dpa / lhe) - The Bundesliga volleyball players of the United Volleys Frankfurt have a new partner in Alexander Korosek.

The 34-year-old is the team owner and managing director of Frankfurt Galaxy, which will be competing in the newly founded European League of Football from this summer.

«I see enormous synergy effects.

The volleyball Bundesliga mainly takes place in winter, football in summer.

The challenges are largely the same, so they complement each other perfectly, ”said the owner of an aviation company on Sunday in a statement from the volleys.

"I think there is a lot going on now and getting new energy," said Volleys founder Jörg Krick, but also referred to the ongoing Corona aftermath for the German cup winner: "Only when the state aid is distributed as it is We can look forward to the future with unreserved optimism. "

Meanwhile, the former national team captain Jochen Schöps has extended his contract with the volleys by one year.

The 37-year-old is expected to become even more involved in the management of the club in the coming months.

«A great team has grown together with us since last year.

We want to build on this and bring in a few more success-hungry players, ”announced Schöps.


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