Teller Report

Corona: Initiative calls for safer schools and daycare centers

4/11/2021, 6:50:12 AM

display Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Around a dozen people demonstrated in Potsdam for more security in schools and daycare centers during the Corona crisis. On the Saturday before the state parliament, the participants called, among other things, to suspend the compulsory attendance for schoolchildren nationwide. "In the pandemic, you have to trust parents to make use of the right to care," said Olaf Ba


Potsdam (dpa / bb) - Around a dozen people demonstrated in Potsdam for more security in schools and daycare centers during the Corona crisis.

On the Saturday before the state parliament, the participants called, among other things, to suspend the compulsory attendance for schoolchildren nationwide.

"In the pandemic, you have to trust parents to make use of the right to care," said Olaf Balk from the "Safe Education Now!" Initiative.

He also spoke out in favor of a strategy that will drastically reduce the number of corona infections.

The demo was one of several campaigns as part of the “ZeroCovid” campaign, which advertises a three-week paid break against the third corona wave.

In Brandenburg, compulsory attendance at schools has already been suspended.

In view of the high number of infections, from Monday (April 12) pupils of secondary schools will have to study at home and will no longer be able to go to school.

Only elementary schools and graduating classes remain in alternation between school and home.

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"ZeroCovid" day of action

Initiative "Safe Education Now!"

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