Teller Report

Emma Berglund: "You always want to beat your old team"

4/4/2021, 5:09:04 AM

She left Gothenburg FC at the time and was critical of the club's actions. In the Swedish Cup, Emma Berglund will face her old teammates. - You always want to beat your old team, there is always a prestige in it, she says to SVT Sport.

With a few months left of last season, Emma Berglund announced that she would leave the then Gothenburg FC.

In mid-December, she was presented by FC Rosengård.

She then criticized her former club.

Today, Emma Berglund will face her old teammates for the first time, who changed Gothenburg FC against BK Häcken, in the semifinals of the Swedish Cup.

- Exciting.

Especially for myself.

It's mixed feelings, but it's going to be great fun.

To be able to go there and meet Häcken for the first time, says Berglund to SVT Sport.

How are your thoughts?

- You always feel things when you meet your old team.

You always want to beat your old team, there is always an extra prestige in it.

They have brought in some new players, but play in quite a similar way as they did last year.

"A story in itself"

This is Berglund's second stay at FC Rosengård.

She belonged to the club 2015-2017.

- I enjoy being back here.

It feels like home.

The criticism of the then Gothenburg FC was based on the contract situation:

- It was a story in itself.

It was above all the way they handled everything.

To say from one day that they did not want to extend to then want to extend but not really show anything concrete about it.

I did not want to sit and wait for something concrete to come from them, and honestly did not work so hard to stay.

When other doors were opened, I saw more opportunities with it, says Berglund and continues:

- With the results in hand, it feels completely right.

It feels overplayed and I do not want to sit and throw shit at them.

But it became a story after the season as well.

All of a sudden everything was to be closed down, but then it became an investment again - and all of a sudden it became Häcken.

Me and happy and grateful that I was not in it because I also saw how the players suffered from how everything was handled.

Circus, that's what you might call it.

"I'm looking forward to it"

However, she feels no resentment towards the club.

- I have no "grudge" against them.

It really feels overplayed.

It would have been easy for me to go out and talk in the media, but I saw no reason for it.

Have you talked to your old teammates?

- We have not heard closer to the match, but we talked after the draw.

We laughed and said that it is obvious that it would be something you wanted to see in a final.

Will you talk to the players on the pitch during the match?

- Yes, that's how I am.

I actually think that's pretty funny.

It does not have to be bloody serious every time, you can go and have a good laugh with an opponent on the field.

I look forward to that, haha.

CLIP: Rosengård fell to the German giant (March 24, 2021)

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Bayern Munich dominated against FC Rosengård.

Photo: Bildbyrån