Teller Report

Uni Göttingen introduces new president into office

3/31/2021, 11:47:51 PM

display Göttingen (AP) - The University of Göttingen is getting a new president today (7 p.m.) with Metin Tolan. The physicist will be introduced to office at an online gala, it said. Speeches by Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and Education Minister Björn Thümler (CDU) are planned. The celebration is to be shown on the university's YouTube channel. Tolan succeeds Reinhard Jahn, who held the of


Göttingen (AP) - The University of Göttingen is getting a new president today (7 p.m.) with Metin Tolan.

The physicist will be introduced to office at an online gala, it said.

Speeches by Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) and Education Minister Björn Thümler (CDU) are planned.

The celebration is to be shown on the university's YouTube channel.

Tolan succeeds Reinhard Jahn, who held the office until the end of 2020.

In June 2019, a presidential election failed because there was resistance from the professors.

Two unsuccessful applicants also went to court.

The university has 30,000 students in more than 200 courses.

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