Teller Report

Antonio Moreno: "The rescue of Plus Ultra points to a political and not an economic motivation"

3/29/2021, 2:17:44 PM

Antonio Moreno (Logroño, 1975) has a degree in Economics from the University of Navarra, a doctorate in Economics from the University of Columbia and professor and director of the Master in ...




Updated on Monday, 29March2021-01: 29

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Antonio Moreno (Logroño, 1975) has a degree in Economics from the University of Navarra, a doctorate in Economics from the University of Columbia and professor and director of the Master in Economics and Finance at the University of Navarra.

He knows in depth the Spanish educational system, which "of course" seems to him "one of the most worrying in Europe", and he harshly criticizes the Celaá Law because it "puts obstacles to concerted education" which, moreover, is "underfunded and every once more drowned. "

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