Teller Report

Leipzig is planning an exhibition on the city of music during the Nazi era

3/28/2021, 8:23:37 AM

display Leipzig (dpa) - The Leipzig City Museum is planning an exhibition in 2022 that deals with the city's musical history during the Nazi era. At that time there was a cultural break in the music city, said museum director Anselm Hartinger. As a central element for this show, the museum has purchased an original relief of a never realized monument for the composer Richard Wagner (1813-1883).


Leipzig (dpa) - The Leipzig City Museum is planning an exhibition in 2022 that deals with the city's musical history during the Nazi era.

At that time there was a cultural break in the music city, said museum director Anselm Hartinger.

As a central element for this show, the museum has purchased an original relief of a never realized monument for the composer Richard Wagner (1813-1883).

Wagner was born in Leipzig.

The Stuttgart sculptor Emil Hipp designed the plans for the monumental memorial in the early 1930s.

In 1934 Adolf Hitler came to lay the foundation stone for this "National Monument of the German People".

The relief should "be shown as a document of the National Socialist exaggeration of the Wagner myth," said museum director Anselm Hartinger.

The second defining event is the demolition of a monument to the composer Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy of Jewish origin in 1936.

The planned Wagner memorial and the demolition of the Mendelssohn memorial would create a strong image that could show the cultural break in Leipzig's music history during the Nazi era, said Hartinger.


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