Teller Report

Post and 1 & 1 can also deliver letters by email on request

3/24/2021, 1:01:38 PM

Digitization is dramatically changing Deutsche Post's mail business. In order not to become obsolete in the competition with e-mail, the yellow giant is now also offering a digital copy.


Berlin (dpa) - Deutsche Post customers will in future be able to receive letter content from certain senders in digital form as a PDF in parallel with normal delivery.

The company announced this on Wednesday.

The “digital copy” service extends a service launched last July, with which mail items are digitally announced in advance with a photo of the envelope.

The new service is offered by the Deutsche Post DHL Group in cooperation with the Internet group 1 & 1 for owners of an e-mail account with the 1 & 1 services GMX and

For the digital copy of the letter to be made, the sender and recipient must explicitly agree and register for the service.


Among other things, Deutsche Post offers the service to corporate customers with high shipping volumes who regularly send large quantities of invoices, contract documents or customer information by letter.

At the start, 50 large mail order companies such as Vodafone Germany or the mail order company Otto as well as over 10,000 small and medium-sized companies are on board.

The copies are created when the letters are created, not by a subsequent scanning process.

Post employees and 1 & 1 do not get to see the content.

The data is stored on servers in Germany, the transport is protected by encryption.

The service is free of charge for consumers and is theoretically available to 34 million users of the 1 & 1 services.

With the digital copies, the letters can be read on the PC or smartphone before they reach the mailbox.

The letters themselves have to be created digitally.

Handwritten content cannot be transmitted digitally.

For the Deutsche Post DHL Group, the digital copy is part of a comprehensive digitization strategy.

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