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You tell me the news ! - Youssoupha, intergalactic rap

3/22/2021, 2:31:37 PM

Youssoupha signs an intergalactic rap epic with "Neptune Terminus". A stopover all in rhymes between present past and future, dream and reality, from the land of its roots, Africa to the confi ...

Youssoupha, intergalactic rap

Rapper Youssoupha returns with a 6th album: "Neptune terminus" © ALEXANDRE CHAC

By: Jean-François Cadet Follow

2 min

Youssoupha signs an intergalactic rap epic with "Neptune Terminus".

A stopover all in rhymes between present past and future, dream and reality, from the land of its roots, Africa to the far reaches of the galaxy.


Welcome aboard a ship like no other with a commander whose flow takes us on an interstellar journey in 14 titles.

At his side, a crew of prestigious rappers.

Lieutenants whose names are Lefa and Dinos, Gaël Faye, Josman or Jok'air.

"Neptune Terminus",


sixth album

, therefore takes height and invites us to push back the frontiers of hope and dreams, to make our desires and our struggles take off to the end of space.

Between collision and ambition, take off for the sound universe and the rap galaxy of Youssoupha.


 ten years ago, in March 2011, in the context of the Arab Spring, the Syrian revolution was born.

A pacifist movement against the regime of President Bashar al-Assad, which has turned into armed conflict.

More than 5 million people have fled the violence.

Among them, the artist Najah Albukai.

The house of poetry organized this Saturday March 20 an evening around his works,

Fanny Bleichner

saw it for us, by interposed screen. 


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