Teller Report

Why #PierreMenesOut is the most discussed topic on Twitter this Monday

3/22/2021, 1:02:41 PM

This Monday, thousands of Internet users expressed their indignation about Pierre Ménès and demanded his removal from Canal +. The group replied to "20 Minutes" not wanting to communicate.

Pierre Ménès in the Canal Football Club.


Augustin Détienne / Canal +

  • This Monday at 1 p.m., more than 16,000 tweets mentioned the hashtag #PierreMenesOut.

  • Internet users reacted to the revelation, by the site Les Jours, of the censorship of two sequences concerning the sports consultant, officiating on the channels of the Canal + group, in the documentary

    I am not a slut, I am a journalist


    They were also indignant at his actions.

  • The documentary, directed by Marie Portolano, broadcast on Canal + on Sunday, evokes sexism and misogyny within sports writing.

This Monday at noon, the hash word #PierreMenesOut was at the top of the most discussed topics on Twitter.

More than 16,500 tweets (at 1 p.m.) mentioned it.

Most Internet users express their indignation at the revelations - or reminders - of the sports journalist's actions towards his sisters.

Many are also asking that he be ousted from the Canal + group which employs him.

Contacted by

20 Minutes

, the audiovisual group simply replied: “We do not comment.


Sunday at 6 pm, Canal + broadcast

I am not a slut, I am a journalist

, directed by Marie Portolano.

The latter - who has just left the encrypted channel to join M6 - has collected the testimonies of women journalists who work or have worked in sports newsrooms.

They evoke condescension, contempt, questioning of skills, annoyances, remarks on the physical, see the harassment and aggressions they had to face.

An edifying documentary that arouses mostly enthusiastic reactions from the public on social networks, Internet users saluting the courage of the women who have agreed to bear witness to what they have experienced.

"The rottenest question is always her [asking it]"

With a perfect sense of timing, Les Jours publishes in the wake of the broadcast of

I am not a slut, I am a journalist

, an article revealing that Canal + would have censored two sequences implicating its in-house consultant, Pierre Ménès.

One of these extracts concerns the way in which the round ball specialist kissed, by surprise, his colleague Isabelle Moreau on the set of the

Canal Football Club

in 2011. The journalist, according to our colleagues, after reviewing this passage explains, “ in tears ”to Marie Portolano that it“ [ruined] ten years of her career: what was expected of her on this set was that she be that girl who lets herself be kissed, not her job or her journalistic expertise.

Marie Portolano then showed Pierre Ménès, via a tablet, Isabelle Moreau's reaction.

He would have lost his temper, questioning the #MeToo era and assuring that she was consenting.

This passage has been redacted.

All that remains in the documentary is a brief archive showing Isabelle Moreau speaking to Samir Nasri on set and, while the latter does not know what to answer, Pierre Ménès launches: "The most rotten question is always her [ who puts it] ”.

Marie Portolano, herself directly concerned by the other redacted sequence - Pierre Ménès assured her, according to The Days, not to understand why she felt humiliated by the fact that he had one evening, after a shoot, raised his skirt - reacted to the rise of controversy.

Sunday evening, she wrote on Twitter: “the main thing is the voice of women which has been fully respected by Canal +.

Please don't forget it ”.

The journalist did not respond to requests for interviews from

20 Minutes


In addition, this Monday, another video resurfaced online.

In an excerpt from

Touche pas à mon sport

, a former program broadcast on C8, we see Pierre Ménès get up and kiss on the mouth, without warning her or worrying about her consent, the columnist Francesca Antoniotti.

While the latter appears mortified, he justifies himself by explaining that he had made "a bet" in the boxes.


Censorship channel of extracts from Marie Portolano's docu to protect Ménès


More than 150 journalists and students denounce "the inferiorization of women in sports writing"

  • Canal Plus

  • Sexism

  • Misogyny

  • Pierre Menes

  • Sport

  • Media

  • Television