Teller Report

Sultan Al Qasimi honors Arab intellectuals in their countries

3/22/2021, 10:12:34 PM

His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, directed the Department of Culture to organize the “Sharjah Cultural Honor Forum”, which aims to honor Arab personalities who have contributed to the service of Arab culture in the modern era.

Directed to organize a forum to honor personalities who served Arab culture

Sultan Al Qasimi honors Arab intellectuals in their countries

His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, directed the Department of Culture to organize the “Sharjah Cultural Honor Forum”, which aims to honor Arab personalities who have contributed to the service of Arab culture in the modern era. It is organized annually in the city or town of the honorable.

The head of the Sharjah Department of Culture, Abdullah bin Muhammad Al Owais, said that this new initiative of His Highness the Ruler of Sharjah is a continuation of the Sharjah Arab Cultural Project, as this initiative comes as a continuation of what His Highness started decades ago under the patronage of the Arab intellectual and writer, and in appreciation of the efforts of those who contributed to the service of culture from The living, and those who died God.

Al-Owais explained that the honor will include cultural and material content, represented in organizing a cultural symposium for which the family of the celebrated, writers and the public of his country are invited, presenting a certificate of appreciation by His Highness to the honored, reprinting the honored's books, and sponsoring the printing of draft books for writers and writers bearing the name of Dora Celebrated deceased.

Al Owais added that the Sharjah Department of Culture will start implementing the directives of His Highness, Ruler of Sharjah, within a timetable and a geographical area that includes parts of the Arab world, and the forum will be organized in every Arab country on an annual basis.

• The festival is organized annually in the city or town of the honored intellectual.

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