Teller Report

Pierre Ménès in operation contrition in "Touche pas à mon poste"

3/22/2021, 9:31:25 PM

Monday evening, Pierre Ménès appeared on Cyril Hanouna's show on C8 to explain his inappropriate acts towards some of his colleagues

Pierre Ménès on the Canal Football Club set.


Charlotte Schousboe / Canal +

  • Canal + broadcast Sunday evening the documentary by Marie Portolano,

    I am not a slut, I am a journalist

    , devoted to misogyny in sports writing.

  • In the process, the site Les Jours revealed that two sequences involving Pierre Ménès were cut during the editing: one concerning the evening when he lifted, in public, Marie Portolano's skirt, the second concerning the time when he embraced by force Isabelle Moreau.

  • On the set of


    , Monday evening, Pierre Ménès said he felt "deep regret", but he also declared "Obviously I would not do it today, it's #MeToo, we can't do anything anymore, say nothing more.


“#PierreMenesOut”, that is to say “Pierre Ménès Dehors”, was this Monday one of the sharpshoots most discussed on Twitter.

The expression was mentioned in some 54,000 tweets from Internet users (count stopped at 9:50 p.m.) indignant at the behavior of the sports consultant of the Canal + group towards some of his female colleagues and asking for his eviction.

It's on the



not at my post!

, on C8 (channel of the Canal + group) that Pierre Ménès reacted in the evening to the controversy, displaying a contrite expression.

"It is horrible for me", he declared, lamenting that his wife is not spared by "the surge of hatred", composed of insults and "death threats", having fallen on him. since yesterday.

Sunday, Canal + broadcast the documentary

Je ne suis pas une salope, je suis une journalist

, devoted to manifestations of sexism and misogyny in sports newsrooms.

In the process, the site Les Jours revealed that two sequences involving Pierre Ménès were censored.

And this, say our colleagues, at the request of the sports management of Canal +.

One of these redacted passages was finally shown on Cyril Hanouna's talk show on Monday, with the approval of the group's management.

The show, however, took care to speak of an interview "not broadcast" or "not selected" rather than "censored".

"We must take people as they are"

In the extract in question, which lasts three minutes, we see Marie Portolano, director of the documentary and former columnist for the

Canal Football Club

(CFC), confronting Pierre Ménès who, at the end of a program, had raised him the skirt in public.

The consultant first assures him that he does not remember this episode and then, when his ex-colleague asks him if he would do it again today, he answers "yes".

"Even knowing that it can be humiliating?"

», Relaunches the journalist.

"Did that humiliate you?"

I am sorry.

But we must also take people as they are, ”he retorts.

Pierre Ménès then declares to him that he was "hired because [he is] a character".

And to insist: “It's my rebellious side.

If I can't room a girl anymore because she's a girl, it's unbearable.


On the set of


, the round ball specialist reacted to these images by believing to have said "only one bullshit: [that he] will do it again [t]".

He then said that he no longer remembered the facts because they date back to August 28, 2016. "It was my last show before I fell ill and disappeared from the screens for seven months," he slipped , before completing, solemnly: “I had the mask of death on me.

One would almost forget who the victim is in the story.

“Today, it's #MeToo, we can't do anything, say nothing more.


Pierre Ménès has declared several times in front of Cyril Hanouna and his chroniclers to feel "deep regrets".

He conceded that he "deserves a little" what is happening to him because "the images are shocking today".

He said "understand that we criticize [him]".

But some of his remarks made on Monday evening tend to strongly contradict his awareness: “Society has changed.

What I could afford ten years ago, I can no longer afford it today, and I regret it, ”he said.

A few moments earlier, he said: "Obviously I wouldn't do it today, it's #MeToo, we can't do anything, say nothing more.


The second redacted sequence of

I am not a slut, I am a journalist 

was barely mentioned in

Touche pas à mon poste


It concerned Isabelle Moreau, whom Pierre Ménès forcibly kissed on the mouth in 2011 in the



“We're not going to rebroadcast the documentary [sic].

We broadcast the sequence that was problematic today, "swept Cyril Hanouna.

If this passage, showing Isabelle Moreau "in tears" when she sees this kiss to which she had not expressly consented, had been brought to the attention of the public, would it have been even more overwhelming for Pierre Ménès?

The main interested party has in any case said that he would have preferred that these sequences appear in the documentary.

"If it has not been broadcast, it is not my responsibility," he insisted.

"Between Canal and me, it's a love story"

At the end of

Touche pas à mon poste

, Cyril Hanouna quoted the tweet of the spokesperson for the Minister of the Interior recalling that "to kiss someone by force / by surprise," to grab his buttocks "... on a plate TV, in transport, at work, whatever the context, [is] a sexual assault punishable by law ”.

The penalties can be up to five years imprisonment and a fine of 75,000 euros.

Pierre Ménès, he said his "luck to be loved and supported by his channel" and drove the point home: "Between Canal and me, it's a love story".

For now, it seems that there is no break in sight, whether sentimental or contractual.


#PierreMenesOut: Internet users demand the ouster of Pierre Ménès from the Canal + group


More than 150 journalists and students denounce "the inferiorization of women in sports writing"

  • Sexual assault

  • Sexual harassment

  • Sport

  • Sexism

  • Misogyny

  • Pierre Menes

  • Canal Plus

  • Media

  • Television