Teller Report

Love: The fear of not being enough

3/22/2021, 12:53:15 PM

Not pretty enough, too fat, unsuccessful: those affected who are afraid of not being enough are endangering their relationship. Why do so many go to court with themselves so mercilessly and how do you return to a healthy self-image?

It is the inner voice that tells you: "You are not good enough" or "You are not worthy to be loved". Beliefs like these lead to arguments and jealousy in partnerships. It can make those affected unable to relate - it is self-destruction in autopilot mode. WORLD: How exactly do these beliefs arise? Menzel: The value system that you have created for yourself is made up of memories. Science has shown that they are wrong in most cases. They consist of many interpretations of what others thought, felt and wanted when they were with us. WORLD: How do you build your own worth?

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