Teller Report

Evelyne Dhéliat explains why the weather on Wednesday is essential for tourism

3/22/2021, 4:03:09 PM

In almost 29 years of weather reports, Evelyne Dhéliat has seen the predictions improve and go even further in the days to come. In Anne Roumanoff's show `` It feels good '', she explains the special place of the Wednesday weather forecast, which gives very probable trends in the weather for the following weekend.

In almost 29 years of weather reports, Evelyne Dhéliat has seen the predictions improve and go even further in the days to come.

In Anne Roumanoff's program "It feels good", she explains the special place of the Wednesday weather report, which gives very probable trends in the weather for the following weekend.


Thanks to the improved weather predictions, Evelyne Dhéliat and her colleagues are now giving the trends for the coming weekend on Wednesday.

A progress that has taken on central importance for tourism and particularly the hotel sector, sometimes with some crisp personal disappointments, as Evelyne Dhéliat explains at the microphone of Anne Roumanoff in the program 

It feels good


>> Find all of Anne Roumanoff's shows from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. on Europe 1 in replay and podcast here

"After my weather forecast, the phone rings"

"I realize the importance of the weather for the televiewers. And it's worse than just from 7 to 77 years", laughs Evelyne Dhéliat.

"It's important for the kids, for the moms who are wondering how they're going to dress the kids the next day, to plan what we're going to do on the weekend."

But it is the tourism sector that is the most hanging on the lips of the weather presenter.

"I often discuss with hoteliers. Unfortunately it's a bit complicated for them at the moment," she regrets.

"But in the provinces, they tell me that on Wednesday, after my weather forecast, the phone rings. And depending on what I plan for the weekend, they either have withdrawals or, on the contrary, reservations."

Mail from unhappy hoteliers

And this dependence on the weather sometimes creates some friction.

As when Evelyne Dhéliat received a letter from a very dissatisfied hotelier on the Côte d'Azur.

"You announced bad weather for the weekend, I only had withdrawals when the weather was very nice!" He was annoyed.

Evelyne Dhéliat then reminded him that the prediction errors did not only harm him.

"It's true, weather is not a 100% exact science," she replied.

"But surely I have already in the past announced wonderful weather for the weekend, that your hotel had been full, but in fact it was very bad weather."

What the hotelier replied to the weather reporter: "You are right. When you pass in the region, you come to see me and we have a drink".

It is not known if Evelyne Dhéliat responded to this invitation.