Teller Report

Covid-19: the army and the firefighters will deploy "at least 35" vaccinodromes

3/22/2021, 1:52:00 PM

The army and firefighters will deploy "at least 35" major vaccination centers against Covid-19. They aim to use all the doses that will be delivered to France "from April", Minister of Health Olivier Véran announced on Monday. & Nbsp;

The army and firefighters will deploy "at least 35" large vaccination centers against Covid-19.

They aim to use all the doses that will be delivered to France "from April," Health Minister Olivier Véran announced on Monday. 

The army and firefighters will deploy "at least 35" large vaccination centers against Covid-19, "to be able to use" all the doses that will be delivered to France "from April". , the Minister of Health said on Monday.

"The army health service will work to develop a number of large vaccination centers - we can call them 'vaccinodromes' or 'mega-centers', whatever the name," said Olivier Véran during a trip to Epinay -sous-Sénart, in Essonne, with his colleague delegate in charge of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu.


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Objective of 10 million vaccinated by mid-April

"There are at least 35 centers which will be deployed by both the army and the firefighters on the national territory. And we are deploying them with the State, the Health Insurance, a certain number of others as well", added the Minister of Health.

It is for the authorities to "be able to use all the vaccines delivered to us from April to massively vaccinate the French," he continued.

Olivier Véran reaffirmed the objective of "10 million primary vaccines in mid-April, and then it will increase, because the vaccine supplies will increase", he assured.

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