Teller Report

Accents d'Europe - Transport stop

3/22/2021, 2:12:31 PM

On the eve of the Easter holidays and with summer approaching, the call of the sea can be felt. But no question of going very far, travel is prescribed over a large part of the planet ...

Halt on transport

Audio 19:30

The aviation sector is hard hit by the health crisis due to the coronavirus.

© Pixabay / Geraldfriedrich2

By: Juliette Gheerbrant Follow

22 mins

On the eve of the Easter holidays and with summer approaching, the call of the sea can be felt.

But no question of going very far, travel is prescribed on a large part of the planet.

The aviation sector is severely and lastingly affected, and the maritime sector is not immune to difficulties.


In Ireland

, authorities ban non-essential travel.

Result: attendance at Dublin airport fell by 80% in 2020. And

one boss is particularly angry, it is that of the low-cost company Ryanair


The explanations of

Emeline Vin


The crisis does not prevent some countries from having major projects ...

Albania is preparing to build a new international airport


The place chosen for its construction is a protected area, and environmental associations are standing up to it.

A report by

Louis Seiller


Read also: 

Air transport: an unprecedented drop in passenger traffic in 2020

In Barcelona, ​​the expansion of El Prat airport has just been suspended

for three years because of the pandemic and for the moment it is rather the losses that are accumulating.

The explanations of

Elise Gazengel


Are sailors forgotten by the health crisis?

At the end of 2020, the IMO, the United Nations Maritime Agency, estimated that some 400,000 sailors from around the world were still on their ships, even though their contracts had ended because they could not be repatriated.

And so many are stranded at home there too because of the restrictions.

the Covid is hitting the world of the sea hard. And a year after the start of the pandemic,

the uncertainty, which lasts, causes a lot of anxiety


Juliette Rengeval




Vincent Theval

takes us to Germany, with

Berlin (ist dufte!)

, By Nina Hagen.


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