Teller Report

Marija Banušić with dream goal against Inter

3/21/2021, 9:01:43 AM

In February, Marija Banušić, 25, signed for Roma. But the Swedish star had not yet netted. Join yesterday. The full hit came after the Swede was replaced, and then stood for a dream goal. The match against Inter ended 4-3 to Roma.

When Inter visited Roma, it only took thirteen minutes before it came loose for the home team.

And then it would continue.

At half time, it was 2-0 to the home team.

When the referee blew the second half, it took barely a minute before the capital team would extend the lead further.

But Inter would respond and in the 61st minute the away team was able to reduce 3-1.

First goal in the new club

For Marija Banušić, who signed for Roma in early February, it had not really come loose yet.

But yesterday, after a post from the left wing by Annamaria Serturini, she was able to push a bicycle kick into the left corner and thus secure Roma's win,

After the goal, the 25-year-old was lyrical, she celebrated by taking off her shirt.

"A dream come true" writes the Swede in a post on Instagram.

Inter, who played the match on a constant uphill slope, were not satisfied with a 4-1 result.

Five minutes after Banušić's goal, they were able to reduce, and then in the extra minutes further reduce to the final result 4-3.

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