Teller Report

Agree on unification rules at the end of'concession competition'… Announcement of'Local Commitment'

3/20/2021, 9:42:17 PM

People's Power Se-hoon Oh and Candidate Ahn Cheol-soo of the People's Party agreed on a rule for unifying opposition candidates after a'concession competition'. It remains only to decide when and when to start the poll.


People's Power Oh Se-hoon and National Party Candidate Chul-soo Ahn agreed on a rule for unifying opposition candidates after a'concession competition'.

It remains only to decide when and when to start the poll.

This is reporter Lee Hyun-young.

<Reporter> The

unified polling method agreed upon by Candidate Se-hoon Oh and Chul-Soo Ahn is to ask 1,600 citizens of Seoul on the competitiveness of Democratic Party candidate Park Young-seon and the suitability of pan-opposition candidates.

The winner is the one who averages the two survey results and wins.

It was decided that the investigation was only for wireless telephones, not for landline telephones.

Candidate Ahn accepted the suitability survey in half, and Candidate Oh gave up 10% of fixed-line telephones, resulting in a compromise between the two sides.

However, you have to make a final debate on when to entrust it to the public opinion polling agency.

Earlier, the two candidates agreed to unite them 25 days before the start of the campaign.

[Oh Se-hoon / people's power mayor candidates (yesterday): You must be talked to say that one candidate is kkeutnaeja the polls no matter what happens to the campaign]

[Ahn / national mayor candidate of sugar ( Yesterday): There is no more agreement now, in fact.

It would be better to conduct a public opinion poll from tomorrow (I think.)] The

Democratic Party set a day saying, "The two candidates are only using media play over the unification method," and "This election has turned into a political caricature."

Candidate Young-seon Park visited Seongbuk-gu and Gangbuk-gu, Seoul, and introduced regional-specific pledges, such as the early opening of the light rail Northeast line and the relocation of the Seoul Human Resources Development Center.

[Park Young-seon/Democratic Party Mayor of Seoul Candidate: We will promote the early opening of the light rail northeast line.

I think that it is an important solution to the transportation problem that can solve the city in 21 minutes.]

Candidate Park plans to complete his visit to all 25 districts in Seoul before the 25th to inform regional commitments.

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