Teller Report

New York governor caught in sexual harassment scandal, impeachment investigation, Pelosi avoids talking and urges him to resign

3/14/2021, 11:41:24 PM

  China News Service, March 15th. According to a report by the American Chinese website, New York State Governor Cuomo has recently been caught up in a sex scandal, and calls for his resignation continue to rise. The Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi said on the 14th that she did not call on Cuomo to resign like many Democrats, but urged Cuomo to review whether she can continue to "ef

  China News Service, March 15th. According to a report by the American Chinese website, New York State Governor Cuomo has recently been caught up in a sex scandal, and calls for his resignation continue to rise.

The Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi said on the 14th that she did not call on Cuomo to resign like many Democrats, but urged Cuomo to review whether she can continue to "effectively govern." 

Data map: Pelosi.

Photo by China News Agency reporter Chen Mengtong

  According to reports, Pelosi said in an interview: “The governor should ask his own heart whether he can effectively govern.” Pelosi added that resignation “will be one of his choices.”

  Pelosi also said that both Como and the people of New York must "self-examine" and think "under this situation, whether their state leaders can work effectively."

  Regarding whether Cuomo will be required to resign, Pelosi said that he should wait until the investigation results come out before making a decision.

She expressed confidence in New York State Attorney General Letitia James, who is leading an investigation into Cuomo’s allegations of sexual harassment.

Pelosi said that the women who made the allegations “should listen to the results of these investigations, and the governor is the same.”

  Pelosi called these women's claims "credible and serious allegations" and said their claims "must be respected."

  Throughout the interview, Pelosi repeatedly emphasized "zero tolerance" for sexual harassment.

  Recently, Democrats in the New York State Assembly and Congress have issued appeals for Cuomo to resign, including Schumer, the majority leader of the Senate.

Schumer reiterated his appeal on the 14th, saying that Cuomo had lost everyone's confidence in his leadership.

  At present, Cuomo has been accused of sexual harassment by six women, including current and former aides.

The Speaker of the New York State House of Representatives recently authorized an impeachment investigation against Cuomo, and Cuomo has repeatedly stated that he will not resign.

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