Teller Report

UK, South Africa, Brazil and 75 other mutant viruses confirmed

3/11/2021, 7:13:18 AM

A total of 75 cases have been confirmed in Korea since December of last year. This mutant virus is different from the major mutants from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil, which are known to be more infectious than existing viruses, and are classified as'other mutants'.

A total of 75 cases have been confirmed in Korea since December of last year.

This mutant virus is different from the major mutants from the UK, South Africa, and Brazil, which are known to be more infectious than existing viruses, and are classified as'other mutants'.

So far, 182 people with major mutations and 75 people with other mutations total 257.

Of the 75, the California-derived mutation is the most at 68.

3 mutant viruses originated from New York, USA, and 4 mutant viruses originated from UK and Nigeria were confirmed.

The Central Defense Response Headquarters explained that although an increase in patients has been observed in some countries, clinical and epidemiological risks have not yet been identified, and that there is no fear or threat like a major mutant virus.