Teller Report

Tokyo city center office vacancy rate over 5% for the first time in 5 years and 8 months Telework has become established

3/11/2021, 5:12:15 AM

[NHK] With the spread of telework due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, the movement to consolidate offices continues, so the office ahead of central Tokyo ...

It is said that the vacancy rate of offices in central Tokyo last month exceeded 5% for the first time in 5 years and 8 months, as the movement to consolidate offices continues due to the establishment of telework due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. The survey results have been compiled.

Miki Shoji, a major office broker, surveys the vacancy rate and rent of office buildings with an area of ​​100 tsubo or more every month.

According to this, the vacancy rate of office buildings in five wards of central Tokyo last month averaged 5.24%, up 0.42 points from the previous month.

In the office building industry, it is said that if the vacancy rate exceeds 5%, the borrower will have an advantage and the rent will decrease, which is the standard this time.

It is the first time in 5 years and 8 months since June 2015 that the vacancy rate in the city center has exceeded 5% due to the continued movement to consolidate offices due to the establishment of telework due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection. ..

Looking at the breakdown, Minato Ward has 6.88% and Shibuya Ward has 5.55%, and the vacancy rate of the ward, which is said to have many IT companies that are easy to introduce telework, is particularly high.

The average rent was 21,662 yen per tsubo, the seventh consecutive month of decline.

The vacancy rates in other major cities are 6.29% in Sendai, 4% in Fukuoka, 3.97% in Nagoya, etc., all of which are higher than the previous month.

According to the company surveyed, "Since many rental offices are contracted every few years, the vacancy rate may increase in the future according to the time of renewal."