Teller Report

The head of the European Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges solemn representations with the British side over the improper article published by the British Ambassador to China

3/9/2021, 11:41:46 PM

  The head of the European Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges solemn representations with the British side over the improper article published by the British Ambassador to China   China News Agency, Beijing, March 9th. On March 9, the head of the European Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the British Ambassador to China Wu Ruolan, and was giv

  The head of the European Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs lodges solemn representations with the British side over the improper article published by the British Ambassador to China

  China News Agency, Beijing, March 9th. On March 9, the head of the European Department of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the British Ambassador to China Wu Ruolan, and was given solemn representations regarding his improperly signed articles on social media.

  The head of the European Department pointed out that the other party, as the highest-level representative of the British diplomatic agency in China, used the official platform to complain about individual foreign media sanctioned for false news and false reports, deliberately confuse news defamation and news supervision, and suppress China. The media is "selectively blind."

The whole article is full of "teacher" arrogance and ideological prejudice, inverting black and white, and manipulating double standards. This practice is seriously inconsistent with the status of diplomats and the functions of diplomatic institutions.

Once the article was published, it caused widespread dissatisfaction among the Chinese public and was strongly criticized.

  The head of the European Department emphasized that the Chinese government and people have never opposed foreign media, but those wrongdoings that concoct fake news and viciously attack China, the Communist Party of China, and the Chinese system under the banner of "freedom of the press" and "freedom of speech."

The other party is required to deeply reflect on their own responsibilities, set their positions, and do more things that are conducive to the development of bilateral relations.


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