Teller Report

Only a few customers for “Click & Meet” shopping in the city of Hamburg

3/8/2021, 2:15:53 PM

display Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Despite cautious easing for the Hamburg retail sector, the shops in the city center recorded only a small number of customers on Monday. Brigitte Engler from City Management Hamburg said that in the morning the number of customers, even in the large hotels, was not even in double digits. Many shops are also still in preparation for a sales launch according to the “Cl


Hamburg (dpa / lno) - Despite cautious easing for the Hamburg retail sector, the shops in the city center recorded only a small number of customers on Monday.

Brigitte Engler from City Management Hamburg said that in the morning the number of customers, even in the large hotels, was not even in double digits.

Many shops are also still in preparation for a sales launch according to the “Click & Meet” principle, which has been permitted since Monday - that is, shopping by prior appointment.

"The city is cautiously visited, and that was not to be expected otherwise."

Large stores such as Karstadt, Peek & Cloppenburg, Alsterhaus or Saturn have already opened.

"In the Europa Passage it is even 60 percent of the shops," said Engler.

For most of them, however, it should hardly be worthwhile, as the opening of the facility also resulted in the costs for personnel, security and technology.

In addition, the sale is "a bad basis" for discussions with landlords about rent deferrals or discounts.

You can imagine that the shops in the districts can benefit more from “Click & Meet”.

That was also the case with “Click & Collect”.

For the shops in the city center, it is more of a means of customer loyalty, said Engler.

"Nobody will want to disappoint their customers."


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